So I'm going to try again...

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So I'm going to try again...

Post by SciFiGuy333 » Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:03 pm

After tumblr cracked down on the adult content I pretty much gave up on maintaining my blog. Long story short, I'm starting up again on my own site. Reviews, New Releases, some links to where to get the stuff, some occasional bits and bobs I commission for the site whether it be photos or a short video or an audio clip or three. I paid for a year of hosting so I'll try and keep it up at least that long. Right now it's new, I'm working on it in another tab as I write this but there is a little bit of content at the moment. I'm gonna add as much as I can as quickly as I can. That being said, I suck at web design, shit's gonna be basic yo!

If you're into the fetish video and audio part of this community check out

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Re: So I'm going to try again...

Post by SciFiGuy333 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:50 pm

Been updating and writing all week and have added quite a bit of content since my first post. Lots more coming.

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Re: So I'm going to try again...

Post by Toastdroid » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:33 pm

Looks good. I was going to mention that the slideshow format in the goodies section was kinda awkward but that's already changed now.
A couple things I'd like to ask/point out though. I feel like articles could use header/preview images? it's a minor thing but right now browsing through the categories can look a little bare and it'll make it a little easier to navigate if/when you get to the point where there's a ton of articles. Another thing is - is the new releases section just literally that or is it new stuff that you're specifically recommending?

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Re: So I'm going to try again...

Post by SciFiGuy333 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:22 pm

Really appreciate that feedback. I agree with you about the slideshow. I was tinkering, trying to find something different that worked and that wasn't it so I scrapped it.

I haven't quite mastered the layout yet. I'll have an idea that I want to try out but for whatever reason it just won't look the way I want it. This is all pre built stuff you move around the page. I mean it looks ok to my eye but there are definitely some things I'd love to change. Header images might be one of them. I'll play around tonight and if I can make that work and I like the way it looks I'll definitely go with that. I was kinda digging the plain black background. I do all of my navigation through the sidebar though so I don't look at it constantly. That stuff under the pic of the woman on the landing page barely gets a second look from me but you're right, if that's the way you navigate I can see it being pretty boring.

New releases are definitely not endorsements. It's more of a here's this thing, I like it or I don't like it but you might like it click this link and check out the description on the store page. i mean it's redundant as hell, you could just sort by robots on c4s or MV or just look at the C4S thread in commercial updates for that matter. but I figured it was a good way to encourage people to pick up something they may have wanted if they could just take a look while they're browsing other fembot related stuff. I try to filter out some stuff that most people wouldn't enjoy in my opinion like that one video that pops up twice a month fo 10 years now.. But if you're asking about Hayley, that page was one of the bigger hits yesterday and had people clicking through to her storefront more than any other video I had up. Yesterday anyway.

Reviews are probably the closest I'll come to saying "hey I really like this and think you'll like this too and here's why" I try to take into account all of the chatter from here over the years about what folks like but we all know how that goes lol.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, it's nice to hear. Even though I made this as a way for me to enjoy this fetish I want other people to enjoy themselves too.

Also, there's never enough time in the day to do all of the things I want so it'll be a work in progress for the foundation and obviously as new stuff comes out.

Oh yeah, good call on the articles needing pics too. I will be looking into that for whats there now and whats to come.

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Re: So I'm going to try again...

Post by SciFiGuy333 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:11 am

A few more updates and the addition of a "Showroom" section. New releases and Video updates will be worked on in the future. I know 99% of visitors just want to see pics and aren't into reading what I have to say so I'm trying to put that content out there regularly and keep my thoughts to a minimum but i do enjoy writing about this genre so if you read stuff too thanks for indulging me. Hope everyone is well.

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Re: So I'm going to try again...

Post by greneker03 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:40 am

Great Work so far Jeremy!

I like how you laid o keep an eye on. ut each category. Something to really keep an eye on!


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