fembot central chatroom

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fembot central chatroom

Post by droid_boy » Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:24 pm

hey, i noticed you guys added a link to the java IRC chat client for the gatekeepers channel. is there any particular time to be online? i've poped my head in several times but haven't found anyone in there. just wondering.

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Post by href » Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:37 pm

I have stopped using the chatroom. If people want a talk (which you are welcome to) you should use Yahoo Messenger.


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Re: fembot central chatroom

Post by Keizo » Sat Jul 06, 2002 6:22 pm

droid_boy wrote:hey, i noticed you guys added a link to the java IRC chat client for the gatekeepers channel. is there any particular time to be online? i've poped my head in several times but haven't found anyone in there. just wondering.
A suggestion is to remember to login when coming to this site and see if anyone else is online via the indicator at the bottom of the page. If there are others about then one could keep the chatroom open in a separate window while browsing so that other members can see that there is someone else around and hopefully pop into the chatroom if they want to talk. :wink:

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