Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

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Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

Post by Uncom » Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:13 pm


You've probably been noticing the lack of... updates on my side. Especially regarding my comic series, the Akaran Archives. There's a reason for that.

I am sick of it.

I've been forcing myself to do this subpar comic that only a fraction of the community reads for the past few months. If I'm honest with you, I've grown fed up with the comic after chapter three.

Why, you might ask? I'll share some of the most important points about my plight.

1) The comic itself
Remember how I said that the Akaran Archives would just be a "series of crime scenes with sexy fembots in it, without an actual story"?

My "series of crime scenes" with not really much of a story devolved into a convoluted mess of a comic, with tons more lore behind it. I kinda doubt anyone was able to follow the story like, at all.

I just have too many ideas in my head that I personally consider good, in the end I end up making a story that nobody but myself could actually follow.

Even when I'd just talk about the characters of my comic, people would ask me: "Who?"
And honestly, it frustrates me more than it probably should.

Which brings me to:

2) The characters.

Oh, the characters. There were way too many in the Revolution, and in the Akaran Archives they're just lame and forgettable.
Seriously, does anyone remember who Rocco is?
The only memorable characters in the comic are all fembots.. And Gadget (but she's dead). And that's extremely boring.

Also, I pretty much shoehorned Nozomi and Autumn into this comic for some hot fembot stuff and now I have no idea what to do with them. Damn.

3) The tone.

When re-reading the old chapters, in 50% of the cases I die inside while reading the dialogue. Is it supposed to be self-aware? Tragic? Serious? Light hearted?
It's like a video game dev asking himself what visual filter he should add to his game to 'spice up the graphics' ,then he tells his coworker:

"Hey, why don't we add all of them."
Which ends up making the whole thing really silly and hard to take seriously.

The tone in this comic is all over the place. And I hate it.

Want an example of this?

The Python (Big scary mafia boss woman Terminator) singing at the grave of her dead husband. That scene is terrible.
It embodies every single thing I hate about the tone and storytelling of this comic. I tried to make the characters seem somewhat likeable and tragic, but ended up making them look like the edgy OC of a 14-year old.

4) HoneySelect.

HoneySelect. It's a really good tool for making things like photoshoots, single photos or small comics.

For over 500-page comics? Nah.

And now for the fifth point (bet you saw this one coming from miles away):

Say it with me everybody:

5) The lack of feedback on Fembot Central.

I'm gonna sound like a shallow prick, but getting two replies per chapter update makes me feel like trash.

Would more feedback have motivated me to do more? Honestly, I don't know. It certainly didn't help my feeling of 'nobody reads this'.

Now, I'm not gonna pull an Ani Erotika on you and tell you how terrible this community is because my work didn't get your peepee hard. Trash content is going to get less attention, after all.

Instead, I'm gonna tell you why I wasn't getting too much feedback.

This is a forum. Nobody really uses forums that much anymore. They're a hassle to use, especially for posting.
The fact that a certain admin refuses to enforce his own rules although they've been broken by the same member over and over again is not helping.
Or the fact that this certain admin refuses to participate at all in the administration of their own forum.
Or the fact that this certain admin dismisses valid criticism by others because of some bullshit reasons they didn't even bother communicating.

Well, I think that's all the points I wanted to mention.

I am sick and tired of working on the Akaran Archives comic series, so I won't.

Will I ever continue it? Probably not.

Will I post other manip content or similar things in the future? Perhaps.

When is the new chapter coming out? Never. Feel free to continue it yourself. Do what you want.

Sorry to anyone who actually enjoyed my comics. I'll keep them up, but don't expect any updates in the forseeable future.

Now, I'm off to do something else.
Last edited by Uncom on Thu May 14, 2020 12:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

Post by Chemik » Thu Jun 27, 2019 3:18 pm

Ooooh, that's really sad. I thought something wasn't right... Another sad day after the well-known Adama issue.

I've been checking the "New Images" section with the hope to see your new chapter coming up, and the days it was up were the best!

I'm sorry on my behalf for not giving you feedback you deserved - I give your works the highest "0" note in my personal rank, on par with Robotman's comics (and a few other FC members). I still hope to see more of your content. Apart from the long stories, I really enjoyed your short forms, e.g. "Work Trouble", maybe you could then do sth in that style. But that's just a suggestion.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your work so far. Your comics made a life a bit nicer!

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Re: Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

Post by PatOKYeah » Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:35 am

I found the first comics to not really do anything for me so I checked out. You’re right about the forum thing in a way, but it’s more than just forums being old. Feedback has been a problem forever here because most people aren’t gonna treat smut as anything but smut. I’m guilty of it, I hardly post.

Things like discord are cool because you can just react with a thumbs up, heart, etc.

But for me, I find it difficult to leave feedback for this stuff. It feels like we’re all beating around the bush to say ‘good job making me aroused, 10/10’. I assume there is a large number of lurkers that feel the same way. I can’t defend myself though, it feels silly to not give great writers whose stories I’ve enjoyed, like Saya, LongTimeLurker, Rexxy and many others their props. Writing is hard.

But when it comes to negative feedback I find that even harder, like, if I’m at this site I’m here to read some juicy robot kink shit, then click my tablet off and question my life choices. If I run into a story that doesn’t click with my kinks or just is not up my alley at all, I don’t think I would take 5-10 mins to type out some long winded critique (like what I’m probably doing now), kill my buzz, then rinse and repeat.

So, uhh I dunno where I really went with this but sorry I guess, on behalf of lurkers (but kinda not sorry?)

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Re: Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

Post by Uncom » Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:19 am

Well, this post sure was a mess.

Anyways, I'd like to clarify some points I made in the heat of the moment.

Am I still tired about doing the Akaran Archives? Yes. don't expect any updates on it in the forseeable future.

About the lack of feedback on Fembot Central:

The lack of feedback used to discourage me back in the day way more than it does now, but it did contribute to my eventual cancelation of the comic.

About the passive-aggressive comments made about an admin on here:
Those weren't thought out too well. I was having a bad day and was getting frustrated at the lack of progress on my comic, so I made the entire post in the heat of the moment.

Me and said admin clarified (and are still clarifying) things in PMs, though there's still a few points I'm uncontent about, but I won't share those things here.

What you've might been asking yourself:
Will I stop making content?

No. I might even make small 'photoshoot' type of image series or small comics, featuring some characters that were originally from the Akaran Archives.

If there's anything else that needs clarification, let me know.

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Re: Regarding the Akaran Archives and other stuff.

Post by Chemik » Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:38 pm

I might even make small 'photoshoot' type of image series or small comics, featuring some characters that were originally from the Akaran Archives.
Looking forwrd to those!

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