A Day in the Life of Joseph Avens 3

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A Day in the Life of Joseph Avens 3

Post by GZ02 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:35 pm

Joseph came downstairs zipping his pants and buckling his belt. Eve was strutting around the kitchen working on his breakfast. She had poured him a glass of orange juice and a small creamer of milk for his cereal and had set them a placemat on the small table where he always had breakfast. The living room was large and spacious but, being the only one living in the fair-sized house; he found the kitchen cozier. She had poured the two brands of cereal he always ate into a bowl and mixed them together. There was the enticing smell of toasting ciabatta. Joseph forgot about feeling horny as he realized how hungry he was. He pulled out his chair, sat down and stretched again.

It was a beautiful July morning. The kitchen was bathed in sunlight. During those sunlit mornings it was the most illuminated room in the house. Even with the blinds down on those rare days, the outdoor light always managed to seep inside and bathe the room in a golden glow.

“Uplink to SR Network. Six-Eighty AM. Isolate to kitchen.”

“yes, joseph.”

A faint beep emitted from somewhere in her upper back and suddenly the kitchen was filled with the steady practiced drone of a radio newsperson compiling events of the past day. A lot of his friends and acquaintances called him old-fashioned, listening to the radio instead of watching the news on TV
which absolutely has to be at LEAST liquid crystal 'cause you'd at LEAST get a decent looking picture...
President Durst’s administration was in the process of presenting sanctions against Argentine’s rightist government because of suspected abuse of American civilians there. The Tjader Probe had recently made a three-year journey to the Galilean moon of Europa and was drilling through its thin crust of ice to explore the wonders that were expected underneath. Retinal biometric scanners were found to cause eye tumors. Aging former Hollywood star Brad Pitt became Spokesmodel for Svelte Barco-Lounger, “the most popular therapeutic bed of all time”.

Eve had her back turned to Joseph, now nearly finished with his breakfast. He watched her as she worked, fascinated, ogling her sexy shiny body. Her movements were rigid and sequential, yet efficient and fluid. She reminded him of industrial robots on an assembly line and the way they would shift and manipulate in one unhesitant action as they worked. She went backward, forward, sidestepped, always keeping herself facing the kitchen counter. Head of hair swiveling this way and that as she performed her tasks. Hands working with eerie mechanical precision and grace. Her stilettos went click clack click clak on the bare linoleum floor. If the radio wasn’t playing, Joseph would be able to hear the faint buzzing and whining of her servomotors. At one point, a piece of paper towel drifted to the floor. She turned her head without missing a beat, tracking it as it glided to the floor. Eve spread her legs and bent at the waist to pick it up. Her tight minidress stretched and rode upwards and Joseph could see her bare cheeks stretch revealing her hairless labia. Modesty was not part of her programming this morning. His gazed then shifted to her tanned and muscular gams then to her manicured feet as they shifted slightly in their heeled sandals. He could see the barely noticeable construction seams running down the insides of her legs.

She finished making up his cereal and he watched her fingers close mechanically on the side of the bowl. Her head turned locating the plate of toast after which her other hand moved and slid under the plate, thumb closing over the top and lifting it up to her ample chest. Her head turned, then her body. She backed up an exact right angle, turned her head to face Joseph and then turned to walk toward him. Click clack. She was magnificent, a valkyrie standing a good six feet tall in her platform sandals. Her body was designed to look athletic, well-muscled, but still very curvy and feminine. In actuality, there were no muscles underneath her polished skin, just solid blocks of customized dermicone covering a titanium skeletal chassis. Pretty simple actually.

Her stilettoed feet stopped and came together as she came to rest just short of the table. She bent forward suggestively, turning her head to locate the placemat and placed the cereal and toast in front of Joseph, the cereal closest to him with the plate of toast off to the right — as she was programmed to do.

“breakfast preparation complete. enjoy your meal, joseph.”

She, backed away a step and assumed her default stance again, standing with legs drawn together, arms down, hands crossed over, staring straight ahead. She looked like a soldier standing at attention.

“Thanks as always, Eve.” He poured the milk and began to dig into his cereal.

“you are welcome, honey.”

“Uplink to Internet. Access personal e-mail account.” Joseph munched, mouth crammed with buttered toast.

Nothing happened for a moment, then Eve beeped. Her head pivoted to face Joseph.

“i am sorry, joseph. i do not understand your command. please repeat.”

He swallowed his food, forgetting, and repeated his request.

Eve shifted her gaze off Joseph and stared straight ahead, as if reading something projected on the wall.

“understood. attempting uplink. please wait.” Joseph waited a few seconds. Eve’s head twitched slightly.

“uplink successful. accessing e-mail.” A pause. “access granted.” Another pause. “you have three new e-mails and five old e-mails. shall i open new e-mail?”

Joseph confirmed yes, taking in another big bite of buttered ciabatta. Eve stared straight ahead with those fixed bedroom eyes and continued on in that strange digitized low sexy voice.

“message three zero seven. from terry loris. gaia robotics. subject. new hire decision. thank you mister avens for your recommendation of greg zyomek as new product allocation director for the personal domestic aides department. your recommendation was highly considered by the board. unfortunately the request was rejected by 7 votes to 4.
(those assholes)
please contact either myself or mister denman during the week to discuss other options. i’m personally very sorry to tell you about this. terry. end of message. Shall I ‘save’, ‘delete’, ‘reply’ or ‘skip to next message’?


“message deleted. message three zero six. this is questionable e-mail from cindy. site unknown. subject. hello mister avens. no viruses detected. shall i ‘open’, ‘save’, ‘delete’ or ‘skip to next message’?

Joseph chewed his cereal. “Open.”

“i want to help you with your virility if you’d just…”

“Delete!”. The spam was getting smarter.

Eve paused for a moment then continued. “message deleted. message three zero five. from amanda delphi. subject. hello skinny. shall i shall i ‘open’, ‘save’, ‘del-“

“Open”, he chuckled. Good old Amanda.

“hey, skinny. we’re getting together at the artful dodger on saturday for drinks. come on out, man. bring another copy of that electronicat disc with you. bob lost his and needs a new copy. cheers.”

Eve turned Amanda’s rather upbeat invitation into a flat emotionless statement.

“shall I ‘save’, ‘delete’, ‘reply’?

“Reply.” He began to dictate, “Hey, sugar! I’m there. Tell Bob another copy is on the way. Thanks for the invite and I’ll see you guys on Saturday. End” Simple. Direct. Anything else he wanted to say could wait until the weekend. Besides, Eve wasn’t capable of storing more than thirty or forty seconds of dictation in her memory. He’d have to get some memory cards later on.

“Repeat.” he commanded. Eve repeated his brief response, no word was omitted, and was told to send it off.

“end of new messages. you have five previously opened messages. would you like to review or exit e-mail?”

“Exit e-mail.” Joseph gulped another spoon of cereal.

“yes, joseph. may i be of further assistance?”

“No. Fine, Eve. Stand by.”

“understood. entering stand by mode.”

Eve stood unmoving, head slightly bowed. He could hear a drive winding down somewhere in her chest. Any simulation of life she had possessed was gone. Erased. Cold statue. Joseph gazed at her polished pseudo-ripped body. Gazed at the way the shiny PVC dress bulged and stretched across her chest and buttocks. He soon finished his cereal and drank his OJ. He sat back relishing his breakfast and listened a bit more to the news, thinking.


"Disengage upload link to SR Network."

Eve came out of standby.

"yes, joseph."

The newsperson's voice suddenly cut off. The kitchen was quiet. It was time to move on to the next order of business.

He got up and went to his closet and hunted for a small box, about the size of a deck of cards, off a high shelf. He also found a flexible sac with a soft pliable lubricated object inside. An artificial tongue. He brought it down and went back to the kitchen. He passed by a cabinet in the hallway where he kept some worktools and took out a small motorized drill. Eve stood silently, head down in standby again. Fixed eyes cast downward. She looked like she was in line waiting to receive Communion. He went around to her back, reached up and around, and slowly pried the blond mane off her head. It came away with a series of little snapping sounds as the fasteners that held it to her scalp gave way. He hung it like a hat on the back of a chair. The smooth white plastic of her exposed scalp was bare of dermicone. There were ventilation slits that ran along the length of her crown for circulation. A tiny indicator light blinked on and off reporting her status. An indented button was located to the right. Below that was a hexagonal seam about ten centimetres across — an access panel. Joseph pushed the button. There was a hissing sound and the seams opened outward like a flower.

“occipital port open.” She announced.

Joseph peered into the open hole in the robot’s head. He had to pull back her head a bit to get a better look since he stood a good four inches shorter than she. She placed a heeled foot back a step as her balance gyros compensated for the slight shift of position. He had a clear view now. His working space would be a little cramped but workable. He could see flashing LED lights blinking blue all at the same time indicating she was in standby. A forest of wires and cables snaked around the various components and modules. Two grey cables snaked deep into her head leading to her visual cameras. Another two thick cables snaked downwards to join her spine. Most fed into a noticeably bigger kidney-shaped component, just what he was looking for. It was about the size of a computer mouse, placed high in her head — her main CPU.

Joseph set the box with its ‘Gaia Robotics’ company logo labeled on the front on the table by his empty toast plate and opened it. Some twenty wafer thin chips, each about the size of a quarter, were nestled in separate slots in the Styrofoam. All were labeled in accordance to a program task. Housecleaning, Cooking, Cooking 2, Accounting/Office and so on.

(ah, there you are, my pretteeeeee)

He chose one marked 'Sex/Fellacio' grasping it carefully between his thumb and forefinger and inserted it into one of several ports in Eve's CPU.

Joseph waited. Then Eve spoke again.

“new program detected. gaia robotics o s enhancing chip number 2 5 8 8 0 4 7 6. sex and fellacio 3.0. beta version. loading program. please wait.”

(It's alive! ALIVE!!)

He did so. He watched the LEDs as they blinked red and orange, independently for a moment then back to blue.

“installation successful. i am ready to accept new commands.” She continued to stand motionless waiting for the next verbal instruction.

“Good.” He said.

After working in the bladder-like reservoir and connecting it up inside Eve’s head, he pressed the button over her open hole in her head and the port closed with a faint motorized wine. Her plastic scalp gleamed. He picked up her blond wig, took the pins out letting the hair drop freely and put her blond wig back on, carefully lining up the fasteners on her scalp to the ones on the inside surface of the wig. He smoothed it out and brushed a few strands from her downcast face. Her shiny full blond hair now cascaded around her perfect face, over her shoulders and down her back. She looked hotter than ever.

“Eve.” Her head came up and turned to Joseph.

wirrrr, zizzz

“yes, joseph. how may i be of assistance?”

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Post by MR_CA » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:01 pm

wow this is getting really interesting. i really like the use of common everyday things like spam e-mails and "aging formre hollywood star brad pitt" *hilarious* Keep up the great writing.

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Post by Bart » Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:41 pm

Can't wait to see more. Great writing style! Keep it up :mrgreen:
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Re: A Day in the Life of Joseph Avens 3

Post by robov » Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:35 pm

Has this guy ever written any other stories? This one is still my all time favorite

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Re: A Day in the Life of Joseph Avens 3

Post by DZiegler » Wed Nov 23, 2022 11:32 am

There’s a part 4 on the wiki, but that’s all that’s been written by them as far as I’m aware.

A real shame because I agree that their writing is stupid hot!

https://www.fembotwiki.com/index.php?ti ... seph_Avens

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Re: A Day in the Life of Joseph Avens 3

Post by robov » Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:53 pm

Yeah I’ve read the whole thing lol but it’s such a good story, I had hoped he was maybe writing under another name now haha

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