Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 5

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 5

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:52 pm

The Chairman sat quietly in the GlobalCon boardroom. His eyes were fixed on a monitor showing New Chicago High School. The students were all dressed the same; boys in grey suits, and girls in navy blue power suits. All being prepared for a blissful adult life in the dome. In stark contrast, the walls were littered with Electra Storm posters, the pop diva decked out in a shocking pink low-cut squiened dress complete with bare mid-driff. The Chairman's concentration on the monitor was broken by a buzz, and the voice of a secratary. Dr. Vox had returned. The hunched-over, bald headed scientist timidly entered, holding a pink Electra Storm headband in his hand. The Chairman never looked at Vox.

"Report", he simply said.

"They are nearly ready, sir. Might I ask what we will be charging for these?"

The villan grinned at the question. "Oh, you've got it all wrong my dear doctor. These will be free to all who come to the arena Friday night."

Vox seemed stunned. "I-I don't understand....A free headbands. What about the profits??? The board...."

" MY concern, doctor. Not yours!!!!" The Chairman's voice raised and took a definate chill. "As for profits, they will come in spades after the concert. That's where you've come in." For the first time, The Chairman looked right at the doctor with the coke-bottle glasses.

"You see Vox, once Electra Storm's concert is done, those 5,000 kids won't be able to get those songs out of their heads. Neither will anyone else watching the concert who wear their own headbands. The songs will stay in their heads for quite a while. And all that time, lovely subliminal thoughts will fill those heads. Thoughts like.......visit the old cities.....visit Old Chicago.....have fun." His voice got more intense. "Have lots of fun...Destroy! Maim! Kill! Have a great time. And once they do, Old Chicago won't stand a chance. I'll have them wipe out Throckhammer Indrustries, and what's left of the people will need protection. MY protection. And that protection will come at a very hefty price!"
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:28 am

Meanwhile, Harry and Cricket were in the backstage area of the New Chicago Arena, with what was left of the burned-out dancer bot, Erin. Betty Stevens was there to speak. It was enough that the Langs were risking their necks by just being in the domed city where they were wanted for made-up crimes. They couldn't ask a close and trusted friend to do the same. So, Cricket used her recently installed holographic projector. In a sense, it allowed robot and doctor to "share" bodies.

"Definetly sabatoge", Betty said, looking over Erin's body. "All the vital parts are charred, but no sign of any leakage, or any indication any of her systems were faulty. Cricket, reach in and see if you can extract her memory card." Betty cocked her head to one side and her eyes got wide. She 'spoke' in Cricket's voice. "Sure Betty, but it looks just fried as the rest of her. Do you think we'll really be able to discover anything?" Dr. Stevens' face seemed to return to normal. "That's up to you and Harry. I'll tell you this much. Whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing. Definetly an inside job if you know what I mean. I have to go before this gets traced, and I give you both away. Good luck."

And with that, Betty melted away, and Cricket was left standing there, herself once more. Harry stroked his chin.

"So", he said, pointing to the lifeless droid. "The one we're looking for was proably very close to Erin. Most likely someone she trusted very much. It all depends on just how self aware she actually was."

"One of the other dancers?", Cricket guessed. "Perhaps even the great Ms. Storm herself?"

"It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibilaties. I think it's about time we got to work on this "Personal Diary" for our client."

Cricket giggled and slipped back into her New York accent. "Oh yes Sir, Mr. Waverider."

More of Part 5 next

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:54 am

Yay ^_^ <3 teh Cricket *giggle* :)

Hope to see more soon!

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