The Vanishing Warlord - Part 10.1

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The Vanishing Warlord - Part 10.1

Post by ButchyBoy » Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:39 am

" said Rick Lang? Harry's father??"

"Yes. He came back from China with the smallest dragon. 'Here ya go Smithy my lad.', he said. He told me it was a gift for letting him take care of....a few loose ends, I believe is what he told me, and that was it. That's why I sent it to your Harry. I thought for sure he would know all about it."

Cricket just sighed. "Harry told me he and his father were never really close. They've barely spoken to each other since he was 10. I doubt he would know much about his father going to China."

Smithers could feel his heart sink as he buried his head in his hands. "Ooooo......It looks like I've really made a mess of things."

Cricket put her hands on his arms to try and snap the old man out of any sort of depressive feelings. She was running out of time. "Mr. Smithers, please. Why all the secrecy? Couldn't you have met us either at the museum, or somewhere else. They said you had retired but...."

The old man scoffed at that last statement. "Retired??? Is that what they told you?? My dear girl, I was sacked!

"Sacked? You mean they fired you?"

"That's right. Just after poor Mr. Spencer met his end. Poor Ronald. He was such a decent sort. Never did harm to nobody." Smithers suddenly seemed to become slightly angry as he looked right at Cricket. "It all started after that Peng fellow showed up."

"The Professor in charge of the China Gallery"

"That's him. As soon as he sets in, he goes on and on about treasures and London needing much change and all sorts of other rubbish."

"Gee, he seems so......harmless. At least he did at first. There are just so many things I still don't understand."

Cricket went on to tell Smithers the events of the past two days. About the jade dragons, and Kiwan Shang and the trap he set for her and Harry. The old man pulled another book from his shelf. "This I'm told is a translation of the final battle between Shang and Emporer Suko." He opned to a certain as Cricket looked on. She started reading. "I have defeated the barbarian Shang but he has vowed to rise once more. To defeat him what once was done I must do again, even if it must be in the form of another."

Cricket thought a moment. "That's pretty cryptic, but still..... Is this the only copy of this book?"

"Oh no, the museum has one just like it. In that professor's office I believe."

The young robot girl was still trying to process all this 'new data' when her phone rang. She said 'excuse me' and quickly answered it. "Hello?.....Harry!!! Where are you?? I got your note and it's after 10 now and...."

The voice on the other end cut her off. "Everything's all right darling. I'm at the museum with our good friend Dr. Benwolf. And I already got the little dragon from the safe in our room."

Cricket's built-in 'trouble detector' was buzzing in her head. This was indeed Harry, but his voice sounded....rather cold, and distant. In fact, Cricket thought, he sounded more like a robot than she did.

"Harry, are you sure your all right? Your voice sounds kinda funny."

"Of couse. Everything is just fine. I got the little dragon fron the safe in our room. It was right next to the crocodille clock. Now you get into that cab and right back here to the museum, understand?"

"Ummmmm...sure Harry. Whatever you say, honey."

"That's my good little pixie. See you soon." And with that he hung up.

Cricket was just dumbfounded. "Crocodille clock???........Little pixie???? He's never called me that. And how did he know I took a cab?" Suddenly, Cricket made the connection. "He must be in real trouble! Mr. Smithers, I have to get back to the museum. And I need your help."

"I'll do whatever I can. Lord knows I part responsbile for all this."

Cricket got into her purse and took out a notebook and starting writing as she spoke to the old man, "I'm pretty sure I know who killed both Mr. Spencer and Mr. Sackler. And who's behind all this "Warlord" nonsense. I need you to take this to Scotland Yard and anyone there who will listen." She finshed writing and handed the page to him. The old man smiled and nodded.

As Cricket headed out, she saw the AutoCab still waiting, but it seemed different somehow. As she was abolut to get in, she noticed a cycle and an all too familliar redhead riding and coming up fast. It was Inspector Hargrove.

Next: The Warlord revealed (maybe)

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Post by DollSpace » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:13 am

Arrrgh! The anticpation! I can't wait!

Rynnie ^_^

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