Sisterhood (a continuation of Business Class)

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Sisterhood (a continuation of Business Class)

Post by BA » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:06 pm

Sisterhood (a continuation of Business Class)

Part One — Service


Alex waited as Jane checked in with her husband. It was early afternoon on a workday but he apparently had left instructions on his dial-up link for when she flew in. She stood under the privacy hood with her pullover hooked up, linked to the payphone port by a slim fibre-optic from her belly panel, a glazed look on her features as she focussed her attention inwards. The glances of passers by in the busy airport terminal were lost on her for the twenty seconds or so it took to connect and download.

Relieved when Jane disconnected herself and tugged the tight top back down over the dully-glowing blue display, Alex hurried them away from the ‘phone cluster and into the anonymity of the crowd. She was distinctly uncomfortable with advertising her android nature, a problem given Jane’s untroubled attitude. It took her a few moments to notice her friend’s change in demeanour.

“Whats up?” she asked the glum looking older woman.

“Oh no problem. My husband can’t meet me for a couple of days after all, short notice work I guess. He’s booked me a place to stay though so I can wait for him to get back.”

“Oh, bummer…”, Alex had heard plenty about Mr Marshall since the pair had left the plane and collected their bags. She was sure he was an okay guy but Jane was hardly an impartial judge; her programming, and so her opinions themselves, was largely re-written by him after all! In truth she wasn’t greatly sympathetic, tired of “my wonderful husband this and that,” but for Jane’s sake she made an effort to cheer her up.

“You’ll be able to make the most of these then”; she waved her Tech Support Centre voucher in her free hand. A free gift in amends for some flight difficulties, these entitled the robot girls to make use of the exclusive airport facilities to take care of their maintenance needs on arrival. “No hurry so you can book yourself the full works!”

Two beltways later a slightly more cheerful Jane followed Alex through the revolving door of the Tokyo Airport TSC; at least this airport was a bit more up to date than Boston where technical support seemed to extend to “on” or “off” and no further. Inside the Centre the bustle of the concourse faded away. This was an expensive establishment; commercial robots were usually catered for in company run maintenance bays and had reciprocal arrangements between companies to cater for travelling units as cost effectively as possible. The sorts of androids using an airport TSC were rich men’s playthings, expensive and glamorous, and of course air crews too.

The women entered a wide airy reception area. The dark marble floor stretched across enough space for several large potted palms and a spacious waiting area before reaching the far wall. The pictures were solid, not projected or plasma screens, their frames lending a sophisticated antiquity to the room at odds with its real purpose. The music at the edge of hearing was pleasant, an even more rare thing. Behind the central reception desk, obvious from the entrance but not so close as to pressurise the clients, were several high pedestal tables on which sat high spec IT of various types.

At the nearest of these data stations were two women, one, clearly a technician, was a willowy dusky skinned lady with long dark hair tied back to reveal her distinguished eastern face. She looked mature and confident, standing in close fitting trousers and a crisp high-necked white lab coat. As Jane looked over she reached towards the chest of the voluptuous teen perched on a stool with her back towards them. The technician appeared to make some minor adjustment then turned back to the computer at her side and entered a stream of data, her fingers flying over the keys.

The receptionist accepted their free vouchers with a smile and took some basic details before she motioned them towards two free service pedestals. Jane booked a full mechanical service, software optimisation and reprogramming at Alex’s suggestion. It would take several hours but she had plenty of time now. Alex opted for a minor service and lubrication specifying no programming activity to be carried out, “I’m on a bespoke programming cycle that shouldn’t be interfered wit,” she explained.

Jane was smiling now, her disappointment displaced by this new experience. She was used to maintenance at home and was looking forward to experiencing something different. The two girls exchanged contact details, Alex passing over the card of her Tokyo hotel and Jane jotting down the number of hers, booked by her husband, then they parted ways to perch at the allocated gleaming chrome pedestals, separated just far enough from each other to ensure a private consultation.

No sooner had Jane sat on her stool than the wide double door at the side of the room slid open and another technician, clad as the first was, strode through. She was a tall elegant willowy blond, her wavy corn coloured hair drawn back and showing rather more bust than her darker colleague, bulging inside the uniform top. A low chrome functional robot wheeled silently behind her, it’s segmented arms stowed neatly against its gleaming front plate. She approached Jane gracefully and greeted her with a brief handshake.

“Jane Marshall, right? Good,” she smiled at Jane’s nervous nod, “Companion Robotics Type Seven Charlie…. Serial number B1202/33, you’re booked in for a full service and some programming options. Your model is auto-service compatible sooo…”

The blond ran through this information in a cursory manner as she tapped rapidly at the top console of her robot sidekick. Jane was taken aback at her brisk manner and had a strong feeling that this technician may be rather more modern than she herself was…

“I’ve got several non-standard upgrades that you should know about though…”

The blond looked up from her robot as a final executive keystroke set it spinning around to roll off silently around the pedestal, “Honey, Mark Sevens are the most upgraded robots ever built, I’ve never met a standard one yet!”

“No but I…” Jane’s voice cut off as the steel restraint claw closed around her delicate neck with a sharp snap, it’s inbuilt inhibitors deactivating the voice-box beneath the pale freckled throat. As Jane stood patiently, struggling only to speak the robot’s other arm, a delicate manipulator, reached inside the waistband of her blue jeans and rummaged visibly under the already taught blue denim. Abruptly Jane’s body froze, her face and limbs locking solid, her breathing stopped. The robot lifted the red haired android by the neck and some unseen grip under her clothes and rolled away through the doors, Jane held stock still, tilted slightly back watching the ceiling pass above her with blank eyes.

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Post by BA » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:07 pm

“Ms Alexandra Fujimara? I’m Dawn, I’ll be your technician today. Welcome back ma’am, did you have a good flight?” The blond technician led Alex through the doors herself. As a high spec unit she required a more personal service and, as a returning, if not frequent, customer could expect to be treated civilly, at least while online.

Through the double sliding doors, a contamination lock Alex assumed, the scene was very different. Clean bare white walls framed a scene somewhere between a factory and a strip joint to her excited eyes. Benches and machinery were everywhere. A dozen shiny little robots cruised the aisles bearing limbs, electronics, batteries, tools and, in the far corner, Jane. The work surfaces held androids, twenty at least. Some were intact as far as could be seen, others little more than metal and plastic skeletons holding electronic spiders-webs of dazzling complexity; some powered down with blank eyes and still faces, others online, acting normally or otherwise. Alex could see some struggling against their physical and programmed restraints, writhing limbs and silently working jaws; others malfunctioned in their dismantled state, spouting rubbish or endless conversation loops.

Ushered into one of many small alcoves Alex watched the scene as she undressed and hung her clothes neatly on the hooks provided. The blond technician waited patiently beside her, neither woman feeling the need for privacy or embarrassment despite the clear eroticism of their surroundings.

At the workbench nearest to them a pretty brunette masturbated furiously. Her eyes drawn to this shuddering display only a few feet away Alex watched as the woman lay on her back on the polished steel, one hand crushing and rolling her full white breasts to her chest as she rubbed furiously between her legs. “John, oh John fuck me… Oh God yes, fuck me John…” As she arched her back Alex could see that below her breasts all the way down to the tuft of soft pubic hair, the other woman was naked open machinery. As she moved little servos twitched and spun back and forth inside her open body, larger actuators shifting to adjust her metal spine, clearly seen through the tangle of wiring. Several cable bundles rose from her open body to an interface armature hanging over her, she shoved these impatiently aside in her lust to caress those parts of her body still able to appreciate the touch, stroking her thighs and arms and face and back to her bouncing breasts. A fine plastic arm darted out from the cluster of technical apparatus hanging over her to tweak some component deep in her belly. She twitched violently then resumed her pleasure with new vigour, her cries unintelligible. A few seconds more and the arm darted back, with a sigh the lady sank back to the bench, legs sliding gently apart and her arm slipping down from her chest to stick up awkwardly by her side, she stared up and was still. A printer chattered above her spewing some technical report as another larger arm moved down to remove components with robotic speed and precision.

Alex removed her bra and bent to unfasten her skimpy shoes, aware that her own nipples were now solid nuggets of sensor input standing proud from her pale chest. The patient tech beside her didn’t comment and, as she stripped off her shoes and skirt, the android woman took another long look around. Over there was a familiar face.

When she had been unexpectedly re-booted in Boston for a very enjoyable upgrade to Business Class her air transit crate had been filled by a standard commercial model. Alex was glad to see she had made her flight after all, though not in good order by the looks of things. The smart shorthaired executive’s female image extended from her pretty but severe face, down her slender arms, held out at the elbows as if skipping, down her neck and over her small breasts but below there her body was a dully-gleaming metal alloy. She was built for function rather than form, though elegant in her own way. Her entire lower back was open, the cover plates removed so her pale skinned shoulder blades, stencilled with the black letters EXXON 71, sat above a dark gaping void filled with wiring and chassis components. She recounted strings of errors to no one in particular as two white clad techs rummaged inside her. Occasionally she would buzz and twitch as components were removed and replaced in an effort to get her operating correctly.

Bending down to slide her black thong down her long smooth legs Alex took a last glance around her, resisting the urge to brush her smooth sex with a fingertip. At the far side of the room several female forms stood posed in place. A few naked clients, each worthy of her full and undivided attention in themselves, and two technicians, their white tunics open at the front, flesh panels hinged down and cables connecting them to the TSC server until required. Several of the benches had androids or more basic ‘bots working on client units in various stages of disassembly, others, like the one nearby, had complex arrays of apparatus suspended overhead. The room was filled with movement, some jerkily mechanical, some gracefully feminine; buzzing servos, computer beeps and tones and the occasional hushed conversation were the background sounds. They were broken occasionally by the ear-splitting whine of a sonic welder as it dived in and out of the torso of a pretty stewardess, identifiable by the red uniform skirt-clad pelvis and legs still standing beside the workbench. She stared wide-eyed with unknowing surprise as showers of sparks fountained from her truncated waist, giving Alex a pang of lust at the thought of her own stewardess on the recent flight.

“Ready!” The glamorous blond led Alex across the wide space, weaving between the metal tables and the exposed bodies and mechanisms of their occupants. The naked woman’s body displayed the clean moving sculpture of her artificial musculature as it bunched and flexed within the statuesque columns of her legs. She strode out to keep up with her guide, tearing her eyes away from the many distractions on the way.

Arriving at an empty table Alex slipped up and sat with a wince on the cold hard steel at Dawn’s instruction. She looked around as her service tech plugged her into the maintenance terminal and busied herself entering the work plan and preparing to begin maintenance procedures. She was relieved to see that very few mechanisms were suspended from the overhead unit, only some simple lubrication arms attached to the modular base unit; nor were any of the servicing ‘bots waiting nearby. Alex liked to feel that her complex and delicate systems were in the care of an android like herself, a human replica. It made no difference to the quality of service, she knew that Dawn was no better programmed for her job than a purely functional robot, but something in the countless terabytes of her personality profiling codes gave her that illogical preference. Faced with production line maintenance, as she had been before and surely would again, she had no choice but to comply with the machines’ commands but suffered distressing errors as she objected internally.

Looking over to the next servicing station Alex watched the lightening quick darting movements of the many tool arms, manipulators and plastic tentacles that were rapidly stripping the components of an android woman on the bench below the seething machinery. A wheeled robot was ferrying the removed parts to the next bench, out of the way. Several thick panels of plastic flesh piled up followed by batteries, drive assemblies and electronics packs as the frozen figure was reduced to a skeletal framework, her shape only defined by the web mesh of skin between the removed panels. Power drivers whined and the snakelike manipulators plucked away screws and separated wiring links. A scalp of tied back red curls was put aside and the woman’s head was lifted as the machines delved into the complex void behind her face. Alex recognised the pretty freckled face and glassy green eyes of Jane before they were lifted free and ferried away leaving only the exposed structures within her dull alloy skull. The older android, both technically and in appearance, was receiving a full service in the automated bay. Her sun kissed chest now ended abruptly above the sternum, the remaining covering and much of its contents removed. Her arms and legs were laid bare, spread-eagled and surrounded by the carefully arrayed wiring looms and attached components trailing from her rapidly reducing body. Once stripped, Alex knew, the machines would inspect, clean and lubricate her structural components and re-assemble her, performing comprehensive maintenance tasks as they did so. The speed of the process was incredible but much of the service time would be taken later with the careful calibration of her assembled body and the final re-programming.

Suddenly Alex swung her legs up and lay back on the cold steel. She adopted a straight pose, arms at her sides, legs straight and stared fixedly upwards. Still online and inwardly operating normally, the commands from the terminal through the fine link to the data port concealed deep in her belly button overrode her internal control. She relaxed mentally; enjoying the robotic sensations as Dawn gently unsealed and removed the hidden covering of her abdominal inspection panel.

The sensations crowded into Alex’s mind over the next forty minutes as Dawn steadily worked over her body, removing panel after panel to inspect the internal systems, making small adjustments and replacing minor LRUs as required due to routine wear. She worked down from the large abdominal access just above her belly button where the spinal actuators were located as well as a number of controls and additional data ports to the small paplexus panel for sexual hardware, thigh and shin panels and then back to the chest and arm panels and up through the neck with a special tool to access the cranial systems that required attention.

Alex’s body was operated by a stepper-motor cable system. A myriad of strong polymer cords ran through her body to activate her limbs by pulling on her light alloy skeleton like stings on a puppet. The cords were wound in and out on helical spools, the size corresponding to the range of movement and mechanical advantage appropriate to the joint, those in her pelvis to move her thighs were large drums wound with thick white cable, those buried in her thighs themselves operated her lower legs and were long spindles to fit into the limited space. Position and motion was monitored by the skeletal sensors clustered around each joint, linked with a dense web of fibre optic filaments. This network, coupled with the sensor links from the hundreds of skin segments passing touch, temperature and pressure data and the motor power / control looms filled much of Alex’s robotic body. Although she had no internal sensors the odd mix of Dawn’s touch and the “dead” removed areas added to what Alex could see happening to her to create a highly pleasurable experience.

Responding to an external command Alex turned her head away from the technician and felt the familiar sensations as the small cover behind her right ear was removed to access her ocular systems: the twin fixed focus black and white guidance cameras that she used to walk around and grasp objects and the large detail colour imager sharing one lens that fleshed the visual imagery out with the detail combined into her processed vision. With her head turned away she could see the scene at the next bench; one that she had been listening to with interest but, in her helpless passive state, had not been able to see.

For a while now a technical conversation had been taking place regarding complex sensor adjustments and calibration of sensor data processors to give balanced results. Alex could now see the technician hunched behind her seated client, making tiny adjustments in a panel at the base of her spine, on the other woman’s clipped instructions. The subject of the procedure was a slim brunette with short gelled-back hair and heavy make-up on her delicately beautiful face. She sat passively with her arms at her sides as the tech delved into her back but it was obvious that she was directing the procedure with cold efficiency. Several cables ran from inside her to a screen, which she watched intently to one side.

The girl looked up and caught Alex’s eye for a moment. She held her with urgent intensity in her pale grey eyes before turning back to the scrolling data. “Okay set parameter of cluster 104 there and reapply on cluster 103 with a 3% sensitivity reduction.”

The tech delved again with her tools, “104 set at current levels, resending test current…”

The subject of the procedure bit her lip gently and allowed a barely perceptible quiver to pass over her features as she looked back at Alex and held her gaze steadily. Her sheer top did little to conceal the firm outline of her nipples and her aspect told of huge tensions pent up inside her passive body.

“Confirm test, that was unsatisfactory, retest at 1.5% increase in dermal nodes only.” The tech acknowledged her instructions and applied her tools again.

“Wait, wait. Terminate!”

“Test discontinued.” The tech looked up at her client.

“I just need a moment… wait a moment.” Her severe face took a slightly puzzled look as a shaky breath parted her glossy red lips. “Just a… no. No it’s no good, I’m going to climax.” She let her gaze run up Alex’s dismantled robotic form, caressing her with her eyes from her toes until their eyes met again. “I’m loading now… you’ll have to restart my… oh, I’m coming, I… Oh yes I’m coming now, I’m… wait… Oh! Oh-ahhhh nnnnnn!!”

As the orgasm ran through the other robot, Alex could see the struggle for control playing out over her face; the long low moan forcing it’s way between her previously emotionless lips, a desperate passion lighting up behind her cold eyes. She sat still from the neck down, only her head and face free to move. Alex felt her systems reacting to the other woman’s arousal. It was unclear weather the sensory testing inputs or the sight of Alex’s naked and open body had sent the woman over the edge but all she could think of was the urge to rub herself against that beautiful android, caress her, touch her. ”Oh God, so beautiful! Please, please, please touch me… oh God I need to get off! Oh, please...” The words ran over and over in her mind behind the blank still features of her deactivated face and frozen body.

The tech reached into the other woman’s back and did something to stop her passionate reaction, now mostly spent. The woman’s head titled as she froze up. By restarting her system the tech would allow the tests to be finished without residual orgasm data corrupting the end result. Soon her sensors would respond perfectly to the lightest touch with just the appropriate responses and she could go on her way.

Alex felt her own technician’s hand drawing out through the open panel in her head and suddenly her eyes snapped away from the erotic display to face front, staring ahead at the ceiling. Dawn’s face leaned over her, a beautiful tanned vision that set a new flurry of arousal signals firing through her systems. She smiled down at her.

“I’ve finished your physical Ms Fujimara, I’ll set up the automatic lubrication system in just a moment but first…”

The helpless android was surprised to feel a light touch on her belly, just below the sensor black-spot where her major panel had been removed. The light caressing fingertips gently and slowly drew downwards, Alex screaming inside to will them onwards, until they rested on the explosively wound sensory bud of her simulated clitoris and began to flick.

“This should help you to relax a bit…”

Alex’s thoughts screamed as her pent up arousal found almost instant relief in a mind-blowing climax. Her body remained completely still; no hint of her internal turmoil came from the relaxed limbs and motionless internal machinery or her face fixed in relaxed and empty stillness.

“Oh thank you, Dawn. Thank you…”, Alex’s silent thoughts became coherent again as the white clad android finished her relief and wiped her manicured fingers clean.

“8.4, not bad at all! You’re welcome by the way. I’ll be back to close you up in about twenty minutes.” She turned away from the glowing screens that displayed the passive unit’s internal processes, her thoughts and feeling’s laid bare in scrolling letters and status displays. The overhead lubrication arms swung into action and, with her urges spent for the time being, Alex lay and watched the needle tipped arms diving over her naked body, dipping in and out to inject precisely placed squirts of lubricant into her joints and internal mechanisms.

While Alex had been receiving Dawn’s personal attention the technician’s other client had been receiving much more thorough attention from the automated servicing systems. Deactivated and with a standard commercial chassis, Jane could be completely dismantled with great speed. By now she had had her major systems removed, inspected and serviced and she was now waiting, half re-built, while the TSC server maintenance applications ran through her software. Her beautiful body was reduced to a few strips of freckled skin between the open panels filled with machinery and electronics.

Dawn inspected the readouts on the interface next to the metal bench and frowned at what she saw there. Scanning through sub menus on the touch screen she checked through a few further details before calling to a companion across the large room. The other woman left her horseshoe console in the middle of the bustling space and threaded her way over. She was dressed, as all the technicians were, in white; a close high-necked tunic top and trousers. Some dark greenish hydraulic fluid had spilled over the cloth of her right arm and her fingers were grimy from delving into machinery. She had left a dark smear on her cheek as she had brushed her short spiky hair back sometime during the busy day. The red trim on her collar identified her as the technical supervisor, responsible for troubleshooting problem cases beyond the means of the regular maintenance stations and androids.

“What’s the problem Dawn? Today’s not going well at all, I’ve just given up on that Exxon ‘bot and sent her to the manufactures and I need to do some serious PR with them as well as finding a replacement… is this a bad one?” Her piercing blue eyes conveyed the pressure of her responsibilities to Jane’s tech, she didn’t have time to waste.

“This Companion Robot Seven Charlie; its heavily modified and outside the auto-service envelope. I’m afraid the software actions will have to be re-done manually from scratch and I’ve checked out the physical mods too, we need to do a personal re-inspection…” Dawn was apologetic as the two women leant over the terminal and discussed Jane’s construction in detail. At a nearby bench Alex, forgotten for the time being, listened with interest. Jane was based on a Companion Robotics Type Seven Charlie but her processing power had been enhanced beyond all comparison. Built up from the basic model stage-by-stage by Mr Marshall, Jane was unique and uniquely programmed, which meant a lot of work for the service techs. Her body too was significantly improved and they would have to re-inspect the work done by the automatic system. They brought up the schematics from Jane’s data files and together formed a work plan to get her correctly serviced.

“I’ll get Sara on to this work shortly. Now Dawn, why on earth didn’t you service this unit personally?”

“Boss, I’m sorry but I saw she was a Companion Type Seven and just fed her into the system…”

“She’s obviously modified, look!” The supervisor picked up a deliciously freckled patch of pale soft skin, a panel from the problem robot’s open thigh, and waved it at Dawn. The impressive level of realism in the tiny perfect freckles and human-like hairs and lines was clearly different from a cheap robot’s clear smooth and flawless skin.

“I know… I thought she was just a classy skin job, I didn’t expect all this… I”

“Dawn, I’m not impressed at all,” she glanced at the motionless Alex. “I’ll finish off your work on her. I want you to go to station…” she glanced around, “…seven and set yourself up for system checking.”

“But, boss, I..”

“Now Dawn!”

The buxom technician spun around at the sharp command and scurried away to do as she was told. The supervisor quickly closed the many open panels in Alex’s frozen body. Her touch was cold and efficient, treating the perfect female form like the machine that it was, a strong contrast to Dawn’s lingering caresses. “That’s you fully operational Ms Fujimara, thank you for your visit. If you’d like to return to the cubical and dress now; we look forward to seeing you again.” The short-haired woman gave a brief empty smile and turned away.

While she wiped away the last smears of spilled oily lubricant from her now perfect female form, Alex took another glace around at the scene. Amid the scattered women, limbs and machinery she could see Dawn lying face up as her boss tapped furiously at the interface linked into her open stomach, her breasts thrusting up, freed from the restraining tunic. Her eyes were blank and stiff arms frozen at her sides. “What goes around comes around,” Alex supposed as she dressed and headed out to the airport concourse and the city beyond. She hoped Jane would be okay, interesting that she was so sophisticated inside that off the shelf body; she would certainly look in to that. She wondered if the technical supervisor was a robot too, she seemed to lack that smooth perfection of the other techs but it was so hard to be sure.

As she stepped through the revolving door from reception Alex’s brisk stride broke for an instant and she seemed to zone out a little. The edge of the door caught a bang on her slender ankle and she stumbled forwards two steps before stopping again, head tilted. “Malfunction,” she said softly then continued on her way, unaware of the scathing look from the Gucci-clad beauty entering the TSC past her.

…. “Sisterhood Part Two — Intimacy” on the way. Watch this space!!

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Post by BA » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:09 pm

“Ms Alexandra Fujimara? I’m Dawn, I’ll be your technician today. Welcome back ma’am, did you have a good flight?” The blond technician led Alex through the doors herself. As a high spec unit she required a more personal service and, as a returning, if not frequent, customer could expect to be treated civilly, at least while online.

Through the double sliding doors, a contamination lock Alex assumed, the scene was very different. Clean bare white walls framed a scene somewhere between a factory and a strip joint to her excited eyes. Benches and machinery were everywhere. A dozen shiny little robots cruised the aisles bearing limbs, electronics, batteries, tools and, in the far corner, Jane. The work surfaces held androids, twenty at least. Some were intact as far as could be seen, others little more than metal and plastic skeletons holding electronic spiders-webs of dazzling complexity; some powered down with blank eyes and still faces, others online, acting normally or otherwise. Alex could see some struggling against their physical and programmed restraints, writhing limbs and silently working jaws; others malfunctioned in their dismantled state, spouting rubbish or endless conversation loops.

Ushered into one of many small alcoves Alex watched the scene as she undressed and hung her clothes neatly on the hooks provided. The blond technician waited patiently beside her, neither woman feeling the need for privacy or embarrassment despite the clear eroticism of their surroundings.

At the workbench nearest to them a pretty brunette masturbated furiously. Her eyes drawn to this shuddering display only a few feet away Alex watched as the woman lay on her back on the polished steel, one hand crushing and rolling her full white breasts to her chest as she rubbed furiously between her legs. “John, oh John fuck me… Oh God yes, fuck me John…” As she arched her back Alex could see that below her breasts all the way down to the tuft of soft pubic hair, the other woman was naked open machinery. As she moved little servos twitched and spun back and forth inside her open body, larger actuators shifting to adjust her metal spine, clearly seen through the tangle of wiring. Several cable bundles rose from her open body to an interface armature hanging over her, she shoved these impatiently aside in her lust to caress those parts of her body still able to appreciate the touch, stroking her thighs and arms and face and back to her bouncing breasts. A fine plastic arm darted out from the cluster of technical apparatus hanging over her to tweak some component deep in her belly. She twitched violently then resumed her pleasure with new vigour, her cries unintelligible. A few seconds more and the arm darted back, with a sigh the lady sank back to the bench, legs sliding gently apart and her arm slipping down from her chest to stick up awkwardly by her side, she stared up and was still. A printer chattered above her spewing some technical report as another larger arm moved down to remove components with robotic speed and precision.

Alex removed her bra and bent to unfasten her skimpy shoes, aware that her own nipples were now solid nuggets of sensor input standing proud from her pale chest. The patient tech beside her didn’t comment and, as she stripped off her shoes and skirt, the android woman took another long look around. Over there was a familiar face.

When she had been unexpectedly re-booted in Boston for a very enjoyable upgrade to Business Class her air transit crate had been filled by a standard commercial model. Alex was glad to see she had made her flight after all, though not in good order by the looks of things. The smart shorthaired executive’s female image extended from her pretty but severe face, down her slender arms, held out at the elbows as if skipping, down her neck and over her small breasts but below there her body was a dully-gleaming metal alloy. She was built for function rather than form, though elegant in her own way. Her entire lower back was open, the cover plates removed so her pale skinned shoulder blades, stencilled with the black letters EXXON 71, sat above a dark gaping void filled with wiring and chassis components. She recounted strings of errors to no one in particular as two white clad techs rummaged inside her. Occasionally she would buzz and twitch as components were removed and replaced in an effort to get her operating correctly.

Bending down to slide her black thong down her long smooth legs Alex took a last glance around her, resisting the urge to brush her smooth sex with a fingertip. At the far side of the room several female forms stood posed in place. A few naked clients, each worthy of her full and undivided attention in themselves, and two technicians, their white tunics open at the front, flesh panels hinged down and cables connecting them to the TSC server until required. Several of the benches had androids or more basic ‘bots working on client units in various stages of disassembly, others, like the one nearby, had complex arrays of apparatus suspended overhead. The room was filled with movement, some jerkily mechanical, some gracefully feminine; buzzing servos, computer beeps and tones and the occasional hushed conversation were the background sounds. They were broken occasionally by the ear-splitting whine of a sonic welder as it dived in and out of the torso of a pretty stewardess, identifiable by the red uniform skirt-clad pelvis and legs still standing beside the workbench. She stared wide-eyed with unknowing surprise as showers of sparks fountained from her truncated waist, giving Alex a pang of lust at the thought of her own stewardess on the recent flight.

“Ready!” The glamorous blond led Alex across the wide space, weaving between the metal tables and the exposed bodies and mechanisms of their occupants. The naked woman’s body displayed the clean moving sculpture of her artificial musculature as it bunched and flexed within the statuesque columns of her legs. She strode out to keep up with her guide, tearing her eyes away from the many distractions on the way.

Arriving at an empty table Alex slipped up and sat with a wince on the cold hard steel at Dawn’s instruction. She looked around as her service tech plugged her into the maintenance terminal and busied herself entering the work plan and preparing to begin maintenance procedures. She was relieved to see that very few mechanisms were suspended from the overhead unit, only some simple lubrication arms attached to the modular base unit; nor were any of the servicing ‘bots waiting nearby. Alex liked to feel that her complex and delicate systems were in the care of an android like herself, a human replica. It made no difference to the quality of service, she knew that Dawn was no better programmed for her job than a purely functional robot, but something in the countless terabytes of her personality profiling codes gave her that illogical preference. Faced with production line maintenance, as she had been before and surely would again, she had no choice but to comply with the machines’ commands but suffered distressing errors as she objected internally.

Looking over to the next servicing station Alex watched the lightening quick darting movements of the many tool arms, manipulators and plastic tentacles that were rapidly stripping the components of an android woman on the bench below the seething machinery. A wheeled robot was ferrying the removed parts to the next bench, out of the way. Several thick panels of plastic flesh piled up followed by batteries, drive assemblies and electronics packs as the frozen figure was reduced to a skeletal framework, her shape only defined by the web mesh of skin between the removed panels. Power drivers whined and the snakelike manipulators plucked away screws and separated wiring links. A scalp of tied back red curls was put aside and the woman’s head was lifted as the machines delved into the complex void behind her face. Alex recognised the pretty freckled face and glassy green eyes of Jane before they were lifted free and ferried away leaving only the exposed structures within her dull alloy skull. The older android, both technically and in appearance, was receiving a full service in the automated bay. Her sun kissed chest now ended abruptly above the sternum, the remaining covering and much of its contents removed. Her arms and legs were laid bare, spread-eagled and surrounded by the carefully arrayed wiring looms and attached components trailing from her rapidly reducing body. Once stripped, Alex knew, the machines would inspect, clean and lubricate her structural components and re-assemble her, performing comprehensive maintenance tasks as they did so. The speed of the process was incredible but much of the service time would be taken later with the careful calibration of her assembled body and the final re-programming.

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Post by BA » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:10 pm

Suddenly Alex swung her legs up and lay back on the cold steel. She adopted a straight pose, arms at her sides, legs straight and stared fixedly upwards. Still online and inwardly operating normally, the commands from the terminal through the fine link to the data port concealed deep in her belly button overrode her internal control. She relaxed mentally; enjoying the robotic sensations as Dawn gently unsealed and removed the hidden covering of her abdominal inspection panel.

The sensations crowded into Alex’s mind over the next forty minutes as Dawn steadily worked over her body, removing panel after panel to inspect the internal systems, making small adjustments and replacing minor LRUs as required due to routine wear. She worked down from the large abdominal access just above her belly button where the spinal actuators were located as well as a number of controls and additional data ports to the small paplexus panel for sexual hardware, thigh and shin panels and then back to the chest and arm panels and up through the neck with a special tool to access the cranial systems that required attention.

Alex’s body was operated by a stepper-motor cable system. A myriad of strong polymer cords ran through her body to activate her limbs by pulling on her light alloy skeleton like stings on a puppet. The cords were wound in and out on helical spools, the size corresponding to the range of movement and mechanical advantage appropriate to the joint, those in her pelvis to move her thighs were large drums wound with thick white cable, those buried in her thighs themselves operated her lower legs and were long spindles to fit into the limited space. Position and motion was monitored by the skeletal sensors clustered around each joint, linked with a dense web of fibre optic filaments. This network, coupled with the sensor links from the hundreds of skin segments passing touch, temperature and pressure data and the motor power / control looms filled much of Alex’s robotic body. Although she had no internal sensors the odd mix of Dawn’s touch and the “dead” removed areas added to what Alex could see happening to her to create a highly pleasurable experience.

Responding to an external command Alex turned her head away from the technician and felt the familiar sensations as the small cover behind her right ear was removed to access her ocular systems: the twin fixed focus black and white guidance cameras that she used to walk around and grasp objects and the large detail colour imager sharing one lens that fleshed the visual imagery out with the detail combined into her processed vision. With her head turned away she could see the scene at the next bench; one that she had been listening to with interest but, in her helpless passive state, had not been able to see.

For a while now a technical conversation had been taking place regarding complex sensor adjustments and calibration of sensor data processors to give balanced results. Alex could now see the technician hunched behind her seated client, making tiny adjustments in a panel at the base of her spine, on the other woman’s clipped instructions. The subject of the procedure was a slim brunette with short gelled-back hair and heavy make-up on her delicately beautiful face. She sat passively with her arms at her sides as the tech delved into her back but it was obvious that she was directing the procedure with cold efficiency. Several cables ran from inside her to a screen, which she watched intently to one side.

The girl looked up and caught Alex’s eye for a moment. She held her with urgent intensity in her pale grey eyes before turning back to the scrolling data. “Okay set parameter of cluster 104 there and reapply on cluster 103 with a 3% sensitivity reduction.”

The tech delved again with her tools, “104 set at current levels, resending test current…”

The subject of the procedure bit her lip gently and allowed a barely perceptible quiver to pass over her features as she looked back at Alex and held her gaze steadily. Her sheer top did little to conceal the firm outline of her nipples and her aspect told of huge tensions pent up inside her passive body.

“Confirm test, that was unsatisfactory, retest at 1.5% increase in dermal nodes only.” The tech acknowledged her instructions and applied her tools again.

“Wait, wait. Terminate!”

“Test discontinued.” The tech looked up at her client.

“I just need a moment… wait a moment.” Her severe face took a slightly puzzled look as a shaky breath parted her glossy red lips. “Just a… no. No it’s no good, I’m going to climax.” She let her gaze run up Alex’s dismantled robotic form, caressing her with her eyes from her toes until their eyes met again. “I’m loading now… you’ll have to restart my… oh, I’m coming, I… Oh yes I’m coming now, I’m… wait… Oh! Oh-ahhhh nnnnnn!!”

As the orgasm ran through the other robot, Alex could see the struggle for control playing out over her face; the long low moan forcing it’s way between her previously emotionless lips, a desperate passion lighting up behind her cold eyes. She sat still from the neck down, only her head and face free to move. Alex felt her systems reacting to the other woman’s arousal. It was unclear weather the sensory testing inputs or the sight of Alex’s naked and open body had sent the woman over the edge but all she could think of was the urge to rub herself against that beautiful android, caress her, touch her. ”Oh God, so beautiful! Please, please, please touch me… oh God I need to get off! Oh, please...” The words ran over and over in her mind behind the blank still features of her deactivated face and frozen body.

The tech reached into the other woman’s back and did something to stop her passionate reaction, now mostly spent. The woman’s head titled as she froze up. By restarting her system the tech would allow the tests to be finished without residual orgasm data corrupting the end result. Soon her sensors would respond perfectly to the lightest touch with just the appropriate responses and she could go on her way.

Alex felt her own technician’s hand drawing out through the open panel in her head and suddenly her eyes snapped away from the erotic display to face front, staring ahead at the ceiling. Dawn’s face leaned over her, a beautiful tanned vision that set a new flurry of arousal signals firing through her systems. She smiled down at her.

“I’ve finished your physical Ms Fujimara, I’ll set up the automatic lubrication system in just a moment but first…”

The helpless android was surprised to feel a light touch on her belly, just below the sensor black-spot where her major panel had been removed. The light caressing fingertips gently and slowly drew downwards, Alex screaming inside to will them onwards, until they rested on the explosively wound sensory bud of her simulated clitoris and began to flick.

“This should help you to relax a bit…”

Alex’s thoughts screamed as her pent up arousal found almost instant relief in a mind-blowing climax. Her body remained completely still; no hint of her internal turmoil came from the relaxed limbs and motionless internal machinery or her face fixed in relaxed and empty stillness.

“Oh thank you, Dawn. Thank you…”, Alex’s silent thoughts became coherent again as the white clad android finished her relief and wiped her manicured fingers clean.

“8.4, not bad at all! You’re welcome by the way. I’ll be back to close you up in about twenty minutes.” She turned away from the glowing screens that displayed the passive unit’s internal processes, her thoughts and feeling’s laid bare in scrolling letters and status displays. The overhead lubrication arms swung into action and, with her urges spent for the time being, Alex lay and watched the needle tipped arms diving over her naked body, dipping in and out to inject precisely placed squirts of lubricant into her joints and internal mechanisms.

While Alex had been receiving Dawn’s personal attention the technician’s other client had been receiving much more thorough attention from the automated servicing systems. Deactivated and with a standard commercial chassis, Jane could be completely dismantled with great speed. By now she had had her major systems removed, inspected and serviced and she was now waiting, half re-built, while the TSC server maintenance applications ran through her software. Her beautiful body was reduced to a few strips of freckled skin between the open panels filled with machinery and electronics.

Dawn inspected the readouts on the interface next to the metal bench and frowned at what she saw there. Scanning through sub menus on the touch screen she checked through a few further details before calling to a companion across the large room. The other woman left her horseshoe console in the middle of the bustling space and threaded her way over. She was dressed, as all the technicians were, in white; a close high-necked tunic top and trousers. Some dark greenish hydraulic fluid had spilled over the cloth of her right arm and her fingers were grimy from delving into machinery. She had left a dark smear on her cheek as she had brushed her short spiky hair back sometime during the busy day. The red trim on her collar identified her as the technical supervisor, responsible for troubleshooting problem cases beyond the means of the regular maintenance stations and androids.

“What’s the problem Dawn? Today’s not going well at all, I’ve just given up on that Exxon ‘bot and sent her to the manufactures and I need to do some serious PR with them as well as finding a replacement… is this a bad one?” Her piercing blue eyes conveyed the pressure of her responsibilities to Jane’s tech, she didn’t have time to waste.

“This Companion Robot Seven Charlie; its heavily modified and outside the auto-service envelope. I’m afraid the software actions will have to be re-done manually from scratch and I’ve checked out the physical mods too, we need to do a personal re-inspection…” Dawn was apologetic as the two women leant over the terminal and discussed Jane’s construction in detail. At a nearby bench Alex, forgotten for the time being, listened with interest. Jane was based on a Companion Robotics Type Seven Charlie but her processing power had been enhanced beyond all comparison. Built up from the basic model stage-by-stage by Mr Marshall, Jane was unique and uniquely programmed, which meant a lot of work for the service techs. Her body too was significantly improved and they would have to re-inspect the work done by the automatic system. They brought up the schematics from Jane’s data files and together formed a work plan to get her correctly serviced.

“I’ll get Sara on to this work shortly. Now Dawn, why on earth didn’t you service this unit personally?”

“Boss, I’m sorry but I saw she was a Companion Type Seven and just fed her into the system…”

“She’s obviously modified, look!” The supervisor picked up a deliciously freckled patch of pale soft skin, a panel from the problem robot’s open thigh, and waved it at Dawn. The impressive level of realism in the tiny perfect freckles and human-like hairs and lines was clearly different from a cheap robot’s clear smooth and flawless skin.

“I know… I thought she was just a classy skin job, I didn’t expect all this… I”

“Dawn, I’m not impressed at all,” she glanced at the motionless Alex. “I’ll finish off your work on her. I want you to go to station…” she glanced around, “…seven and set yourself up for system checking.”

“But, boss, I..”

“Now Dawn!”

The buxom technician spun around at the sharp command and scurried away to do as she was told. The supervisor quickly closed the many open panels in Alex’s frozen body. Her touch was cold and efficient, treating the perfect female form like the machine that it was, a strong contrast to Dawn’s lingering caresses. “That’s you fully operational Ms Fujimara, thank you for your visit. If you’d like to return to the cubical and dress now; we look forward to seeing you again.” The short-haired woman gave a brief empty smile and turned away.

While she wiped away the last smears of spilled oily lubricant from her now perfect female form, Alex took another glace around at the scene. Amid the scattered women, limbs and machinery she could see Dawn lying face up as her boss tapped furiously at the interface linked into her open stomach, her breasts thrusting up, freed from the restraining tunic. Her eyes were blank and stiff arms frozen at her sides. “What goes around comes around,” Alex supposed as she dressed and headed out to the airport concourse and the city beyond. She hoped Jane would be okay, interesting that she was so sophisticated inside that off the shelf body; she would certainly look in to that. She wondered if the technical supervisor was a robot too, she seemed to lack that smooth perfection of the other techs but it was so hard to be sure.

As she stepped through the revolving door from reception Alex’s brisk stride broke for an instant and she seemed to zone out a little. The edge of the door caught a bang on her slender ankle and she stumbled forwards two steps before stopping again, head tilted. “Malfunction,” she said softly then continued on her way, unaware of the scathing look from the Gucci-clad beauty entering the TSC past her.

…. “Sisterhood Part Two — Intimacy” on the way. Watch this space!!

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Post by Loganov » Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:12 pm

Amazing again. I wait on pins and needles for anything from you BA.

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Post by Korby » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:27 am

Most excellent! Fantastic technical detail.

Gonna be tough, waiting for the next installment... sounds like it's gonna be a good one. Don't take too long, I beg!
"Oh shut up Ray don't talk about gettin' with a robot
That is a ill idea"
--Roast Beef

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Post by kb7rky » Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:35 am

Holy THAT'S a story!



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Post by UserJesse » Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:28 am

I really enjoy these stories BA, sorry i've not posted up until now, but please keep up the awesome work. ^,^

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Post by DollSpace » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:50 am

Fun story! Good work! ^_^


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Post by tectile » Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:21 am

It don't get much better than that.

We can only hope poor Jane makes a full recovery in the next installment.
I can't wait :)

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