Quantum Sentinel: Awakening. (Jenny-907)

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Quantum Sentinel: Awakening. (Jenny-907)

Post by Condor621 » Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:22 pm

OK, I've apparently been subconsciously working on this world for a while. So, I took the Jenny 907 "Universe" and I'm going to write a "book" about the operations of The Institute, the Confederations top secret Covert Ops team. Here's the background for the whole thing. The next story post will be Chapter 1, beginning with Jenny 907's infamous mission. And to answer the question, yes, I served 8 years in the US Army Infantry Branch, and I'm a Combat Vet, so I'm way better writing Grunt dialogue than Hot Robot Spy Lady dialog, but I try to write how I think things would be in reality. So no, Jenny doesn't fuck anyone....in THIS chapter. lol

It is the year 2142. The world is a very different place following the European Conflict of the previous Century. A devastating war had taken place, which was only worsened when the former Russian Republic had sabotaged abandoned Nuclear Power plants, creating a wasteland across much of Eastern Europe. Reprisals from combined forces of the now defunct United Nations essentially erased the nation of Russia, creating a series of divided Autonomous zones. The economic destruction of the world economy crashed the United States, and subsequently China's economies, ending the developing rivalry between the nations. The Worlds power structure is now divided amongst 3 very different spheres of influence. China, which has formed itself into the Pan-Asian Hegemony and is isolationist to extremes. China no longer seeks a place amongst the greater world and now has almost no interaction with the rest of the global community. The Confederation of Nations, or Confed, is lead by the shadow of the once powerful United States and Western European nations and has its Capital in Reykjavík, Iceland. Japan, which resisted Chinese incursions, is a Charter state and one of the principle developers of advanced technology. "The Faction", or Sovremennaya Fraktsiya,is a State which was founded by a rogue group of Generals, mercenaries, warlords, and self appointed leaders within the former Russian Republic and Balkan states. The Faction is determined to defeat the Confederation and regain lost territory and power in order to expand once again.

Due to a declining population and the ecological impacts of prior wars, the militaries of the world are now very small, highly specialized groups that engage in lower intensity combat. Lower intensity in a strategic sense, but on the ground it is brutal, fast, high tech warfare. The times of large scale war is over. The tactics of precision strikes, infiltration, and ambush rule the day.

The Confederation Intelligence service, referred to as The Ministry, is the primary sword and shield of the Confederation, sworn to protect and defend the Confed shoulder to shoulder with the Confederation Combined Armed Forces (CCAF).

During the times between the 21st Century Wars and the time of the stories to be told, Technology has progressed at an exponential rate, particularly in the fields of computer sciences, clean energy production and storage, robotics, weaponry, nanotechnology, transportation systems, and communications. This leap in technology is especially notable in the the field of computer sciences. Memory storage, processor speeds and Artificial Intelligence progression has led to extremely advanced computers. New developments in materials sciences and metallurgy has led to new materials such as Durasteel, an extremely strong yet light metal, nanofiber, and in the latest development, Bi-Phased Carbon. Weapons now are no longer chemically propelled projectiles. Electromagnetic coil guns are common on the battlefield, as are Plasma rifles and molecular blades - super thin and strong and able to cut through nearly any material, and a preferred weapon of many Special Operations personnel.

With the reduction in population, the need to maintain the civil sectors of their spheres of influence, and the low intensity nature of modern conflicts, both the Confederation and Faction Military services began to try to exploit their new technological advances in the form of autonomous robots as force multipliers in border incursions and defense. These first took the form of Drone "Mechs", large and heavily armed robotic tanks that acted independently, to a point. Further development eventually led to the first true "robot soldiers" that would augment the human personnel in the militaries. 3 decades before our story begins, the Confederation developed the first android. This development was a collaboration between the brightest minds of the member nations. The first generation androids looked like humans, but even with AI driven high speed processors, they still acted like simple robots, not straying from coded directives.

The Faction realized the practical applications of this new type of machine and embarked on their own research and development of robot/android technology. With the assistance of rogue elements from the Pan-Asian Hegemony military and science establishments, The Faction began to develop their own versions of this new technology, however, the Confederation, with a much more established Technology Sector and Industrial infrastructure, and with the help of several geniuses in the field, gained a massive advantage in the sophistication and quality of their Androids.

Within this framework, our story is centered on a Special Division of Confederation Intelligence, the Special Operations and Technology Group, known only to a few and referred to as "The Institute".

The Institute is comprised of Covert Intelligence Operatives, Direct Action Teams from Confederation Special Forces Units, Signals and Electronic Intelligence gathering Teams, a Cadre of extremely gifted scientists, and a group of advanced androids, completely human in appearance, that function within the teams in Intelligence gathering roles, direct combat support elements, data analysis specialists, infiltrators...and any other mission they may be tasked with.

The Androids are all designed and constructed by the company General Kinetic Technology, known usually as Gen Tech. Gen Tech has been the primary collaborator with the Confederation Military for nearly a century, producing weapons, communications, computers, and other advanced technologies for their use. Gen Tech scientists are now an integral part of both the Military and Intelligence Organizations of the Confed.
Last edited by Condor621 on Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Quantum Six: Tomorrow's Warriors Chapter 1

Post by Condor621 » Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:41 pm

Quantum 6: Chapter 1

The rhythmic pounding of techno music vibrated through the air, accompanied by a kaleidoscope of colorful strobe lights that danced across the sprawling stone mansion. A young woman with the stunning looks of a supermodel, long blond hair cascading down her back, bright blue eyes, and a flawless physique, slipped away from the chaos of the party. Her tight white halter top revealed ample cleavage and a taut, tanned midriff, while her tiny matching shorts hugged every curve. Amongst the noise and revelry, nobody seemed to notice her leaving.


"Time for some action," she muttered under her breath, a wicked grin playing on her lips as she made her way towards the wooded area surrounding the property. The shadows embraced her like a familiar lover, concealing her presence as she stopped to take her bearings. Jenny, the state-of-the-art Gen Tech Series 9 android, assessed her surroundings with precision, her highly advanced systems processing the terrain in mere seconds.

"Damn, I'm good," she thought, her bubbly and energetic personality shining through even in her internal monologue. With a deep breath, she silently made her way to a dark and nondescript warehouse, about a half-mile through the forest. The night was dark, but it posed no challenge to her advanced vision capabilities. She effortlessly glided through the woods, moving from shadow to shadow with fast, decisive movements, her nimble form adapting to the environment.

As the raucous party faded into the night, Jenny approached the warehouse, stopping to evaluate the situation. "All right, let's see what we've got here," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible. Her bright blue eyes scanned the perimeter, looking for any signs of activity or danger. She knew she was more than capable of handling whatever may come her way.

"Focus, Jenny. You're a badass Series 9 android with a Quantum processor core and a smoking hot body. You've got this," she thought, psyching herself up as she prepared to infiltrate the warehouse. Her confidence slowly returned, and she allowed herself a small smirk before pressing forward.

Deciding that the area was clear, Jenny approached the gray steel door of the warehouse with a newfound determination. She examined the locking mechanism, her blue eyes studying every detail. Swiftly, she reached into a concealed pocket in her shorts and produced a small toolkit. With the deft movements of a skilled operative, she unlocked the door in less than 15 seconds.

"Piece of cake," she thought, allowing herself a brief moment of satisfaction before carefully pushing the door open. The warehouse interior loomed before her, dark and silent. Taking a deep breath, she cautiously stepped inside, her senses on high alert.

Meanwhile, a sentry stood motionless in a small, dimly lit room, her dark eyes never leaving the bank of monitors before her. Dressed in black tactical clothing and equipped with a pulse pistol sidearm and an equipment carrier on her load-bearing harness, she cut an imposing figure. Her stoic demeanor gave nothing away as she diligently watched the surveillance intake, every muscle in her body tense and ready for action.

Jenny crept deeper into the warehouse, the darkness enveloping her like a shroud. Her advanced vision allowed her to see every detail, from the dust motes floating in the air to the faintest of shadows cast by the sparse light filtering through cracks in the walls. She knew she was vulnerable without direct overwatch if things went bad, but she was a Series 9, and designed and built to analyze, adapt, and overcome almost any situation.

"Stay focused, Jenny," she reminded herself, her thoughts buzzing beneath the surface like a swarm of bees. "Stay sharp and trust your instincts."

As Jenny moved further into the warehouse, Svetlana caught sight of her on one of the monitors. Her eyes narrowed, and she tensed even further, her fingers hovering over the controls of her security station. She assessed the intruder, noting the woman's stunning appearance and confident stride.

"Who is this?" Svetlana thought, her mind racing. "And what does she want?"

Her pulse pistol at the ready, Svetlana prepared to confront the intruder. As she stepped out of the security room, her actions were a mix of anticipation and caution. She was posted for situations like this, but something about the woman in white set off warnings.

"I shall stay vigilant, and follow orders" she reminded herself, the words echoing through her mind.

In that instant, Jenny felt an inexplicable shiver run down her durasteel spine, as if she sensed the danger lurking nearby. Steeling herself, she pressed on, the shadows of the warehouse swallowing her whole. The game was on, and she was the best at this particular game.

Jenny moved silently and confidently as she took each cautious step into the darkness of the warehouse. The heavy door shut behind her, sealing away the last trace of moonlight that had filtered through the trees outside. She relied on her advanced optical sensors to perceive the faintest differences in light and shadow, mapping out the space around her with stunning precision.

"Whoever set this up really wanted people to stay out," she thought, her mind racing with possibilities. "But what are they hiding?"

In the security room, Svetlana observed the intruder's progress intently through the holographic interface. Her fingers itched to take action, but she held back for a moment longer, seeking the perfect opportunity to strike.

Jenny takes a few more tentative steps into the building, looking around in the total darkness of the interior, but seemingly seeing everything. She stealthily moves into the warehouse for a few steps and there is a suddenly, overwhelmingly bright light inside the space accompanied by the crackling discharge of some type of high energy emission. The woman freezes, suddenly seemingly frozen in place.

The sudden burst of blinding light caught Jenny off guard, the energy discharge freezing her in place like a statue in a museum. The crackling discharge of some type of high energy emission filled the air, making her artificial skin tingle with anticipation and fear.

"Oh", she thought as the energy wave swept over her. Jenny knew she was shielded from most energy impulses she was likely to encounter, but this seemed to be more than she could handle.

The beautiful woman is stuck in place, looking from left to right in a random manner. Finally she states, "Malfunction. Primary processor is disconnected. Main processor array is...offline. Unable to reroute. Initiate. Initiating Field Repair protocol".

Jenny could sense the flood of error messages and potential solutions flow through her processing matrix, trying to calculate the best course of action. But the information was distorted, fractured. Wrong. She knew there was likely more at stake than just her own well-being; something valuable must be hidden within this warehouse, and it was her mission to uncover it. But first, she needed to deal with her own systems failing her.

"Must...process, run Diagnostics," she urged herself as the seconds ticked by.

As she grappled with her predicament, she couldn't help but feel a pang of vulnerability. Despite her state-of-the-art design and capabilities, she was not immune to failure or danger. Her current situation reinforced the complexity and delicate nature of the components that made her who she was.

Jenny suddenly realized she couldn't coordinate her movements, aside from looking from left to right in a randomized manner. Getting system warnings and errors from every system that makes function, her ability to process what's happening to her is degrading by the nanosecond. Finally she repeats, "Malfunction. Primary processor is offline. Main processor array is...offline. Unable to reroute. Initiating Field Repair protocol".

"Warning. Power Overload detected. Multiple system failures. Primary processor is off line. Critical Component Failure. Diagnostic System off line. Reroute."

Jenny's normally vibrant and confident voice now sounded mechanical, devoid of emotion, as she tried to process the situation she found herself in. Her bright blue eyes darted rapidly from left to right, assessing her surroundings but unable to make sense of them. She had never experienced anything like this before; her advanced systems were supposed to be foolproof.

"Malfunction. Primary processor is disconnected. Main processor array is...offline. Unable to reroute. Initiating Field Repair protocol."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of her vulnerability in that moment. The system warnings coursing through her integrated matrix only served to heighten the tension as she searched for a solution. Suddenly, Jenny's taut, defined abdomen recessed a centimeter into herself and slid up, revealing an array of high-tech computer components bathed in a pale blue light. A small panel within her blinked with red, yellow, and green lights, rapidly flashing and signaling her internal distress.

"Okay... girl... you can do this," she thought, trying to muster some semblance of confidence despite the dire circumstances. "You've.... you've been through worse...right?"

The memory of countless successful missions and daring escapes flickered through her mind, but they felt distant, almost unreachable, in the face of her current predicament. As she reached down to initiate the Field Repair protocol, her fingers clumsy and feeling disconnected from her, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the end of the line for her – if her state-of-the-art design had finally met its match.

As she worked on repairing her damaged systems, her thoughts turned to what triggered the EMP. If she could just get herself back online and regain control of her body, maybe she'd have a chance of getting out of this disaster – but time was running out, and Jenny knew it.

"Field Repair Protocol Initiated, reconnect main processor to subordinate relay architecture," Jenny declared, her voice a mechanical monotone as she continued randomly scanning the dark warehouse, searching for any sign of hostiles. Her movements were clumsy and erratic as she reached into her now-open stomach, fingers clumsily probing the delicate internal components.

As she fumbled with the complex array of circuits and wires, her processor raced. She couldn't help but feel vulnerable, exposed – both figuratively and literally – as she attempted to repair herself in the heart of enemy territory. The weight of the mission and her teammates' lives, as well as her own, rested on her shoulders, and she knew that she had to conduct her repair quickly, but her damaged systems were impeding her.

Svetlana emerged from the security center, her gait smooth and mechanical as she strode down the dark hallway. Red lightbulbs dangled haphazardly from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows across her face. Though she was not physically imposing, her fit frame in its tactical uniform radiated an aura of lethal efficiency.

Svetlana's stunning features were marred only by the cold, vacant look in her eyes, betraying no awareness of anything beyond her immediate surroundings and objective. As she moved further into the warehouse, her focus remained solely on finding and neutralizing the intruder – the beautiful, malfunctioning android who had somehow managed to infiltrate her well-guarded domain.

Jenny's fingers finally found purchase, gripping a small, vital component and beginning the delicate process of trying to reconnect her primary processor.

As Jenny continued attempting her repairs, Svetlana closed in, the tension of the situation mounted. Jenny's degraded processing system, beneath the flood of error messages, knew time was running out. And failure would mean not only a blown mission, but the end of her existence.

Jenny's eyes flickered as she struggled to process her surroundings. Her once-fluid movements now reduced to erratic twitches, she fought against the malfunction that was tearing through her advanced systems. "Internal component hardware error detected. Integrated Diagnostic System...Offline. Repair Protocol, not found. Advise system reroute. Secondary processors...offline," she said, her voice distorted and garbled.

Svetlana, the black-haired security asset, stalked closer, her icy gaze taking in the sight of the advanced but incapacitated android before her. The red light from the bulbs above danced off her tactical gear, casting an ominous glow on her otherwise beautiful features. She paused several feet away, allowing herself a moment to assess the situation. This intruder, this machine, dared to breach her territory – and now it was clear that it had been crippled by its own hubris.

With a swift, calculated stride, Svetlana closed the gap between them, her every movement honed by years of operational experience. She reached out, her gloved hand closing around the android's exposed arm like a vice, and shoved her roughly against the wall. Jenny offered no resistance, her body as rigid as a mannequin's.

"Who sent you?" Svetlana demanded, her voice cold and unyielding. "What do you want?"

However, instead of answers, all she received were more garbled phrases and distorted syllables from Jenny's damaged vocal processor. Frustration simmered beneath Svetlana's calm exterior, and she tightened her grip on the android's arm, feeling the reinforced Durasteel frame beneath the synthetic flesh.

"That is not helpful," she stated, her eyes narrowing dangerously. "My directives state 'do not interrupt unless situation is emergent'. You are no longer a threat, and you are immobile and damaged. Therefore, this is not emergent. Maybe I should just disassemble your architecture, piece by piece. See what secrets I can find inside of your systems."

As Svetlana's grip tightened further, a flicker of awareness surged through Jenny's damaged processor. She knew she couldn't let this machine destroy her – not when there was still so much at stake. Desperate to regain control, she reached deep within herself, searching for any remaining reserves of power that might help her overcome the current crisis.

Acting on a sudden impulse, Svetlana plunged her hand back into the malfunctioning android's open panel. Her fingers searched for and found the glowing blue cylinder, a quantum processing core, a source of so much power and potential, and a device that was a primary priority of The Faction to obtain. With a swift, decisive motion, she yanked it out, severing connections and sending arcs of electricity dancing across her hand. She stared at the cylinder for a moment, her expression a mixture of curiosity and disdain, before tossing it aside like a piece of trash.

Jenny's body immediately convulsed, limbs flailing wildly as if trying to find purchase in the air. The suddenness of the motion caught even Svetlana off guard, though her features quickly returned to their usual stoic mask. Unfazed, she reached once more inside the struggling android, her movements precise and methodical.

Outside, hidden among the shadows of the wooded bluff, two figures lay prone, their faces painted black and their bodies concealed by ghillie suits. One of them turned to the other, his voice a low, urgent whisper. "What's taking her? This is a milk run, in and out. What's Jen doing in there? Sightseeing?"

"I don't know, Cap," came the reply, equally hushed. "But like you said, Jenny is solid. She can take care of herself."

"Yeah, I know, but I don't like it," the first man, Captain Amos Burton, said with growing concern. "We're way off the Op Order timeline. The girls are usually right on time."

As they continued to watch the darkened warehouse, the tension between them palpable, both men knew that something had gone wrong – and that the stakes were higher than they'd ever imagined.

Inside the warehouse, Svetlana exerted her dominance over Jenny, who remained pinned against the wall, a picture of helpless malfunction. The glossy black floor was now littered with burnt and broken electronic components, evidence of the brutal dismantling the android had endured. Svetlana assessed her victim for a moment, her eyes cold and calculating as she took in the damage she'd inflicted.

"You are not superior," she muttered before slamming her fist back into the open panel on Jenny's stomach, causing the android to shudder violently.

Jenny's arms and head moved in a random and hesitating manner, her once fluid grace reduced to uncoordinated spasms. Her speech, too, was degraded and almost unintelligible, the sultry tones replaced by a garbled mess. "System. Compromised. Main Processor array not detected. Relays. Not Detected. Quantum core, offline. Main. Main. Main." Her voice trailed off, lost amid the cacophony of errors echoing through her shattered system.

Desperation began to seep into what little remained of Jenny's integrated personality matrix, her thoughts fragmented and disjointed. Impotent fury mounted within her, as she struggled to comprehend how she had ended up so vulnerable, unable to do anything but suffer at the hands of this ruthless assailant. She tried to focus on the memory of Captain Burton's voice, his concern for her safety providing a modicum of solace.

"Its always good to work with you, Jen," he had said at the mission briefing, "you're solid. You can take care of yourself. But we're always close if you need us."

Jenny clung to those words, attempting to will herself to regain control, to fight back against her tormentor. But the darkness continued to close in, her systems spiraling further into disarray, leaving her trapped in a limbo between existence and oblivion.

Captain Amos Burton gritted his teeth, the tension in his jaw echoing the worry that gnawed at him. He peered through his night scope, scanning the dark warehouse for any sign of Jenny. The seconds crept by, each one feeling like an eternity.

"God damn it, Scotty! This is way too long," he growled, his voice laced with frustration. "Do we have any comm from her? Any transponder hits?"

"Cap, she's a Series 9, those girls are badass," Corporal Scotty Dixon replied, trying to reassure his commanding officer. "Plus, you know how much of a smartass Jenny is, she probably found a closet full of cute outfits and is trying shit on. She'll probably laugh at us when she gets back."

"Not this time, Scotty," Burton snapped. "I have a bad feeling about this. I'm giving her five more minutes, then we ping her transponder. No answer, we go in hard, copy?"

"Roger that, Cap. I'll send the Frag-o to Overwatch 2 and 3."

"Good, we roll on my signal."

Inside the warehouse, Jenny's once-fluid grace was now reduced to involuntary spasms. Her head and arms jerked erratically, her body completely immobile as Svetlana continued her brutal assault. With a cold, calculated precision, the security officer reached into Jenny's open panel and pulled out a reinforced conduit, still sparking blue-white with energy. She pressed the live conduit inside the smoldering cavity, causing Jenny to spasm and jump as raw energy coursed through her internal architecture.

"Please, no more, no more, no more, no more" Jenny thought, her fragmented consciousness barely able to form coherent thoughts. "Please. Stop."

As the pain intensified, she clung to fragments of memories – Captain Burton's confidence in her abilities, the camaraderie she shared with her team, the pride she felt in her state-of-the-art design. These were the things that had once defined her, and now they seemed like cruel illusions, slipping through her fingers like sand.

"Five minutes," she thought, desperately hoping that was all she'd have to endure. "Just hold on for five more minutes. They'll be here in...five....minutes...."

Jenny's once flawless voice now quivered and stuttered, her words disjointed and barely comprehensible. "Power Overload. Complete System Failure. Recommend full reset," she managed to utter, her lips struggling to keep up with the garbled speech. "Attempting full system shutdown for restart. Unsuccessful."

Her body shuddered involuntarily as sparks flickered from her open panel, the exposed circuitry a testament to her vulnerability. Jenny's mind raced. She had been designed for stealth, beauty, and deadly efficiency, but now she was reduced to a broken shell of her former self. What was left of Jenny's consciousness felt....fear. If an android could feel fear.

"Shit, Cap, this ain't good," Dixon muttered, his camouflaged face conveying a mix of confusion and concern. "I ain't getting anything. Radio Silence. Not even a transponder return."

Captain Barton's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in determination. "That's it, we move in 90. Relay Frag-o to teams 2 and 3, Team 3 remains on overwatch, and get the M-955 heated up and ready. Notify the Extraction Team flyboys to have that Condor on the deck in no more than 5 minutes, or I will have their ass. I have a feeling this may get hot. All teams, stand by to execute."

"Roger that, Cap," Dixon acknowledged, his fingers flying over the controls to relay the orders. As he did so, he couldn't help but worry about Jenny. He'd seen her in action countless times, always confident and in control. But now...he shook his head, banishing the thought. They would get her out. They had to.

Jenny's internal diagnostics continued to report an array of failures, each beep and buzz echoing the severity of her situation. Her thoughts were a chaotic jumble, but one thing was clear: she needed help. As her damaged systems struggled to form a coherent plea, she caught fragments of her own voice: "Shutdown... Unsuccessful... Reset..."

"Please," what little remained of her thought, trying to will herself to hold on just a little longer. "Come...help....me......". But some part of her, some backup system or functioning core somewhere deep in her architecture was working to reroute what was left of her and calculating a course of action.

Svetlana studied her captive with a clinical eye, the smoldering remains of what once was a breathtakingly beautiful android now reduced to a twitching mess. She couldn't deny the satisfaction that came from taking down such an advanced piece of machinery. Though Svetlana was a machine herself, she felt a strange sense of superiority in this moment.

"Systems...errors...auxiliary reroute," Jenny's damaged voice stuttered, her words barely recognizable as she tried to make sense of the chaos inside her. Svetlana leaned in closer, intrigued by the desperate attempt at communication.

Suddenly, Jenny's voice changed, more coherent but still strained, as if drawing on some hidden reserve of power. "Tertiary Power, online, bypass power management regulator. Combat algorithm...partially...active."

The instant Jenny's words registered in Svetlana's mind, she knew she had underestimated her opponent. Before she could react, Jenny's powerful Durasteel frame lunged forward with a sudden burst of force that belied her damaged state. Her hands shot out and gripped Svetlana's shoulders with the strength of a vice, slamming her to the cold warehouse floor.

"Merda!" Svetlana cursed, caught completely off-guard by the unexpected assault. Frantically, she tried to calculate a countermeasure through the haze of lagging processors and antiquated systems.

Jenny's once-graceful movements were now driven by raw power and desperation. She pounded Svetlana's body into the ground again and again, powerful limbs clashing with the sickening crunch of impacted flesh and shattered machinery. Sparks flew as the android's last micro-quantum capacitor drained rapidly, fueling each brutal blow until nothing remained of Svetlana but a spasming, sparking wreck.

"Team two, hit the door, Team one is on entry....Go! Go! Go!" shouted Burton. Like a tornado, the Spec Ops unit was on the warehouse door and through it, Plasma Rifles in the ready position, breaching the door like a well oiled machine and going into the darkness to ensure the well being of their teammate....and to kill anyone or anything trying to stop them.

Capt. Burtons Overwatch team, rolling hot for an emergency Exfil

"Systems off-line. Shut. Shutting Down," Jenny stammered, her voice garbled and synthetic. With the last of her energy spent, she froze in place, her battered form no longer capable of even the slightest movement.

"Clear!! Clear!! Man Down, Man Down!!" Captain Burton's voice rang out, echoing through the warehouse as his team breached the entrance. The sight before them stopped the soldiers in their tracks: Jenny, the advanced Series 9 android they were tasked with protecting, lay smoking and ruined on the floor, a gaping hole in her midsection testament to the damage she had suffered. A few feet away, Svetlana's shattered body convulsed with the last remnants of her failing systems.

Jenny 907, Systems damaged and failing, waiting for the Overwatch team

"Scotty, we clear?" Burton barked, his eyes scanning the warehouse for any additional threats.

"Roger that, boss," Scotty replied, his voice tense and grim.

"Copy. Get on the horn to the bird. Tell them we need immediate exfil. And that we have one casualty. Series 9, heavily damaged," Burton ordered, his mind racing with the implications of their mission's disastrous turn and the weight of failure to protect a teammate. And a friend.

As the team secured the area and prepared for extraction, Jenny's immobile form lay as a stark reminder of the delicate line between vulnerability and power within advanced technology. The consequences of her failure weighed heavily on the minds of those who had been entrusted with her protection, a burden they would carry with them long after leaving the dark confines of the warehouse.

The air inside the warehouse crackled with tension as Captain Burton and breach team moved quickly to secure Jenny. They worked with a fury born of frustration and anger, their precision honed through countless missions together. Dixon's hands were steady as he wrapped Jenny in a Casevac capsule, the lightweight material crinkling softly in contrast to the harsh echoes of their boots against the concrete floor. Captain Burton carefully and meticulously gathered all of Jenny's damaged components from the floor, placing them inside with her.

"Keep your eyes open," Burton warned his team, the words tasting like bile on his tongue. It was a reminder they didn't need, but one he couldn't help but force out anyway. Every second felt like an eternity, every moment a potential risk to Jenny's fragile state.

With Jenny safely contained, Burton turned his attention to the ruined remains of Svetlana, still sparking and twitching on the floor. His eyes narrowed as he approached her, Mark 7 Plasma Rifle held at the ready like an extension of his own arm. As he drew closer, the sound of Russian emanated from within the robot's mangled form. "Neispravnost... Neispravnost..." it repeated, a haunting mantra that sent a shiver down Dixon's spine.

"Malfunction, huh?" Burton spat, his mind flashing back to the Russian classes he took during his SOE Qualifications. He smirked bitterly as he kicked the inert machine over, staring down into its exposed innards. "Ya think, Suka? How about now?" With ruthless efficiency, he cut the robot's main power conduit and yanked its memory core free, leaving the once-dangerous machine a lifeless husk.

Outside, the night sky was pierced by the sudden appearance of a matte black shape descending silently toward them. The Condor settled gently onto the open field beyond the berm, its stealth technology rendering it nearly invisible against the darkness. As the entry team emerged from the warehouse, Jenny's inert form secured within the Casevac capsule, they moved with purpose toward their ride home.

"Let's get her out of here," Burton muttered, his thoughts a swirling mix of concern for Jenny and determination to see her safely back to base. The weight of responsibility bore down on him as they climbed aboard the waiting Condor, each step a reminder of the delicate balance between vulnerability and power that defined their world.

As they soared through the night sky, the long journey home stretched out before them - a chance to regroup, to heal, and to prepare for whatever challenges awaited them...and hope that their friend would be returned to them. Somehow.
Last edited by Condor621 on Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Quantum Six: Tomorrow's Warriors Chapter 1

Post by Kube² » Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:34 pm

your good at maniping pictures your very good at writing stories, its a very good idea to mix both the way you do.

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