Mairi - Part 2

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Mairi - Part 2

Post by dubhdanaidh » Tue May 23, 2023 9:08 pm

Mairi, Part 2
by Dubhdanaidh
(Copyright June, 2000-2100 Danaidh)

He's quite the master, thought Mairi to herself. He's been in love with me since I was first delivered here, as Mairi slowly opened her stomach panel to run diagnostics. Here auburn hair was no longer in a French braid, but flowing down onto her shoulders. Inside her panel was a massive maze of wires, circuitry, and processors. Beeping, clicking, and whirring came from Mairi's inner components, as they worked in unison to bring her to life.

"Mairi. How was your day?" asked Alistair as he arrived home to his estate from a busy day. "I see your looking as good as ever."

"Don't-you-know-robots-are-not-allowed-to-socialize-with-humans," replied Mairi in a robotic tone, complete with jerky robotic movements.

"But you're not a robot," replied Alistair his muscular human body relaxed, his tail the symbol that he was an Adamannaich, not a Homo Sapien wagging happily. "You're Mairi. A friend, a helper…."

"A bunch of servos, circuitry, and processors," interrupt Mairi as she turned her back to him, and smacked her ass in her maid's costume. "Really sir, remove one of my components, and I'm no longer Mairi."

"Okay," replied Alistair in a cold tone as he lunged forward and forced open Mairi's stomach panel, and grabbed a circuit board.

"Your bluffing, said a nervous Mairi still as stone. "You love me too much to pull it out. I'm not a gutter trash gynoid like the scraeling nations make. It'll kill me."

"That's what I was hoping would happen," replied Alistair his hand still holding the circuit board. "I have enough of sass. You're spirit can add flavor to this estate as the ghost of a maid."

"Please don’t," begged a scared Mairi. "I don't want to die. Your race is immortal you can't know how its scares mortal races, like me."

Suddenly Alistair pulled back his hand, a circuit board in hand. Before Mairi could see his tail returned to its previous position. Mairi screamed an ear-piercing scream that echoed through the estate halls. Then she hit the floor.

"You're really the biggest asshole I know," said Mairi. "That wasn't funny. How was I to know that you switched my circuit board with one in you're tail's grasp. My God you know I can't follow anything faster then light. That wasn't funny."

"Sure it was, "replied a smiling Alistair.

"I could've overloaded from the shock," said an un-amused Mairi. "I did faint."

"Bullshit, you're a liar," said Alistair. "You know a s well as I do it'd never happen."

"It could have," said Mairi in her most innocent, child-like voice.

Later the night as Mairi sat in her room, she gazed at her open stomach panel. Damn the Adamannaich, their speed, and almost cruel sense of humor thought Mairi. What interesting machinery they've made of though thought Mairi. She realized that as she thought this, this machinery was working at the same time to process it, and make sense of it. She shuddered as she thought of Alistair's joke. Fear embraced her. As sleep closed her eyes she fell asleep with her favorite ghost story book in her hand.

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