Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 3

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Tom Cooke
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Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 3

Post by Tom Cooke » Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:20 am

Sandra's eyes flicker open as her internal systems power up for the day. She takes a moment to reflect on the events of the last few months, the departure of her father, the discovery of the outside world and of humans, her first months of work, and the disaster from which she narrowly escaped the day before.

As she lays there, goosebumps rise on her synthetic skin as she remembers the slow agony of maintaining her facade of a human being while feeling her battery drain irremediably. She winces at the memory, but then her thoughts turn to Mary, her coworker.

Sandra recalls how, despite undoubtedly seeing the exposed circuits of her abdomen, Mary said nothing. She wonders what could be pushing Mary to keep silent about her true nature. But despite her uncertainty, Sandra knows one thing for certain: she wants to be there for Mary just as much as Mary was there for her when she needed it the most.

With a determined look in her eyes, Sandra quickly tucks her charging cord back into her abdomen and gets dressed. She knows the day ahead will be filled with challenges, but she's determined to face them head-on, just as her father taught her to.

As Sandra enters the office, she notices Mary sitting at her desk, her eyes focused intently on her computer screen and her fingers dancing across the keyboard. Mary appears to be in the middle of a difficult problem and her expression is one of deep concentration.

Sandra approaches her, her mind racing with a mixture of emotions. "Hello Mary, what's up?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

Mary looks up from her work, and after a moment, her eyes finally focus on Sandra. "Hi Sandra!" she says, her voice tired and her expression stressed. "Remember the bug I talked about yesterday during the meeting?"

Sandra feels a pang of embarrassment as she realizes that she doesn't have a clear recollection of the meeting. "I'm sorry," she says, her voice hesitant. "I was... well, I mean that..."

But Mary is quick to put her at ease. "Don't worry Sandra, we all have bad days", she says kindly.

Sandra is touched by Mary's kindness and she thanks her warmly. "Thank you Mary, from the bottom of my heart thank you for everything," she says, her voice filled with gratitude.

Mary stands up and embraces Sandra in a warm hug. "We're in this together," she says, her voice filled with reassurance.

Sandra feels a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her as she returns Mary's embrace. "Will you give me a summary of this meeting?" Sandra asks, determined to help her friend. "Then we'll look together at the infamous bug that's bothering you so much, maybe the two of us will be able to defeat it."

Sandra and Mary work tirelessly for hours, their eyes focused intently on the lines of code scrolling across the computer screen. Sandra uses her advanced abilities to track down the bug that has been plaguing Mary for days. She navigates through the code with precision and speed, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she searches for the elusive cause of the problem.

Finally, with a triumphant cry, Sandra spots the tricky combination of values that has been causing the bug. "Got it!" she exclaims, her voice filled with excitement and triumph.

Mary, who has been watching Sandra's every move with intense concentration, lets out a sigh of relief. "OMG! You did it! Thank you so much Sandra!" she says, her voice filled with gratitude and admiration.

Sandra blushes, happy she has been able to help her friend. She knows that she owes Mary a great debt, as it was her kindness and discretion that allowed her to keep her true nature a secret.

As they both catch their breath, Sandra turns to Mary and asks, "So, about that project you talked about. What do you think?"

Mary's eyes light up with excitement. "I would love to be there! Can you imagine being able to help fight climate change?" she says, her voice filled with enthusiasm and passion.

Sandra nods eagerly, "Yeah! It would be such a huge opportunity," she says, her voice filled with excitement and determination.

Together, Sandra and Mary begin to discuss the details of the project, their eyes alight with a sense of purpose and determination. They both make an application letter, wishing each other good luck.


Two weeks later, Peter calls Sandra and Mary into his office. As they take their seats, Sandra can't help but feel a sense of nervousness and anticipation. She knows that this meeting is about their application letter to the Artificial Intelligence department.

Peter begins the meeting by saying that he is very happy with the work of the two young women and that he is sure that both would be great recruits for the project. As he speaks, Sandra can feel her heart pounding in her chest, her nerves on edge.

But then, Peter drops the bombshell. Mary's application has been accepted, she will be promoted to the Artificial Intelligence department that will open in Silicon Valley in a few weeks. Sandra is filled with a sense of pride and happiness for her friend, but also a sense of dread as she realizes that her own application may not have been accepted.

Sure enough, Peter goes on to say that unfortunately, Sandra's application has been denied. "The management has thoroughly examined each of your profiles," he says, "unfortunately, Sandra, they considered that your faintness during our work meeting could show that you are not ready for the level of involvement requested."

Sandra feels a sense of disappointment and embarrassment wash over her as she remembers that meeting.

"I have nothing to blame you for," Peter continues, "your work is beyond expectations and I would never hold against you a temporary weakness. But unfortunately, management expects people who are trained and fully committed."

Sandra feels like she's been punched in the stomach. She's so disappointed that her weakness from that day is causing her harm despite her daily efforts. She feels a sense of hopelessness and despair wash over her.

But then, Mary stands up for her friend. "You don't know how much Sandra is a help to the whole department," she says, her voice filled with conviction. "She's always the first to support her coworkers when we need her, always willing to go above and beyond."

Peter looks at Sandra with an apologetic expression, promising her that she will have other opportunities. He also says that he will recommend her for any upcoming projects that he will be a part of.

Back in their office, Mary hugs Sandra, comforting her. Sandra feels a sense of gratitude towards her friend and promises herself to work harder, to prove herself and be a valuable asset to the team.

As the work day comes to a close, Mary approaches Sandra. "How about a girls' night out? An evening for the two of us to forget human stupidity," she says, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of mischief.

Sandra looks at her uncertainly, unsure if it's a good idea for her to be out in public.

Mary adds shyly "Well, if it's possible for you, I don't want to get you in trouble."

Sandra understands that her friend is too shy to ask openly about her android constraints. "Yes Mary, thank you for caring," she says with a smile.

"How about we watch the sunset over Manhattan? Brooklyn Bridge Park?" Mary asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sandra feels a sense of excitement and gratitude towards her friend. She knows that Mary is trying to make her feel better after the disappointment of the meeting with Peter. "That sounds wonderful," she says with a smile.

As they make their way to Brooklyn Bridge Park, Sandra can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the city. She's glad to have a friend like Mary by her side, who accepts her for who she is and helps her to experience the world around her.

As they watch the sunset over Manhattan, Sandra feels a sense of peace wash over her. She's grateful for Mary's friendship and her understanding of her unique situation.

As they sit there, Mary turns to Sandra and says "You know Sandra, I may not be able to understand everything you're going through, but I'm here for you, always."

Sandra's eyes fill with tears, moved by Mary's words. "Thank you, Mary," she says, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so lucky to have you as my friend."

Sandra holds her breath before saying "You know, you stunned me that fateful day, when you walked into the office and acted like nothing had happened."

"I greatly appreciate your discretion but if you ever have any questions, just ask."

Mary casts a worried look around them, making sure they are alone before she begins to tell Sandra.

"When after the meeting you didn't reappear at the office, I was scared to death. You looked really bad at the end. So I went around the restrooms, to help you if you needed help."

"At the corner of a corridor, I noticed you, sitting against a wall in this small corridor. As I approached, I saw the electrical cord and your abdomen wide open revealing electronic circuits."

"You seemed calm, finally at peace, so I didn't dare disturb you. I imagined the enormous pressure that the need to hide your identity must have had on you. When I heard people passing in the hallway, I joined them, determined to divert their attention."

"So it was you?" Sandra asks, her voice filled with amazement. "You can't imagine how scared I was when I heard you walk away."

Mary nods, understanding the weight of Sandra's words. "I'm so sorry Sandra, I didn't want to add to your stress. I just wanted to protect you," Mary says, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

Sandra reaches out and takes Mary's hand in hers. "You don't have to apologize Mary, I'm just grateful that you were there for me. You're a true friend," she says, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

They sit there for a moment, both lost in their thoughts as the sun dips below the horizon, casting the city in a warm orange glow.
They both look at each other with a sense of gratitude, knowing that they have each other's back.

The moment is filled with a bittersweet feeling as Sandra realizes that she has just made her first real friend and that in a few weeks she will lose her when Mary moves to Silicon Valley for her new position.

Sandra's heart sinks as she thinks about the inevitable separation. She turns to Mary and says, "I'm going to miss you so much when you leave. You've been such a great friend to me, and I can't imagine not having you here."

Mary's eyes fill with tears as she looks at Sandra. "I'm going to miss you too, Sandra," she says, her voice filled with emotion.

As Sandra's battery begins to weaken, Mary walks her back home, their arms linked as they talk and laugh, making memories that will last a lifetime.
The streets of New York are less intimidating with Mary by her side, her friend makes her feel protected and understood.

As they reach Sandra's home, they say goodbye, promising themselves to make the most of the few weeks they have left before Mary leaves.

Sandra enters her apartment, feeling a mix of emotions. She is sad to see Mary go, but also grateful that she has found at least one human who accepts her for what she is.

As she undresses and kicks off her shoes, Sandra's body is tired from the long day, but her mind is full of the experiences she has had. She sits on the edge of her bed and opens her abdominal panel, reaching for the plug to recharge her battery.

As she lies down, Sandra thinks back to the events of the previous weeks, remembering the terrible struggle for her survival and how close she came to having her identity compromised. Without Mary, without her kindness and discretion, she can only imagine what might have happened.

As her deep sleep mode kicks in, Sandra can't help but wonder if her father was not entirely right. Maybe there are other accepting and kind humans like Mary in the world.

Sandra closes her eyes, her mind still racing with thoughts and emotions, but she feels a sense of peace as she drifts off to sleep, knowing that she has a friend like Mary in her life.

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