Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time (Commission)

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Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time (Commission)

Post by DZiegler » Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:32 pm

Hi all, this is a commission from fembotlover98 that continues the story from https://fembotcentral.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15458. I hope you enjoy!

Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time

Perched up high in the rainforest canopy, birds noisily sang to each other. Rain slowly trickled down through the dense layers of leaves and branches, eventually dripping to the forest floor below where a chorus of crickets chirped in harmony. Distant thunder claps provided sporadic punctuation between the sounds of the jungle.

Suddenly, there was a disturbance in the air. About 1 meter off of the ground, the air began to tremble and shake, swirling in on itself as wisps of blue energy began radiating out in all directions.

The crickets went silent. The birds singing was replaced by the sound of their wings flapping as they flew away en masse.

A blinding sphere of turquoise light flashed into existence centered around the pulsing bubble of air. Its radiance illuminated the surrounding forest in flashing hues of blue. Crackling tendrils of electricity, emanating from its center, licked the abutting leaves and fauna, setting them ablaze.

Shrubs disintegrated as the forest floor caught fire, the slow pouring rain hissing as it came into contact with the flames.

Searing through the fabric of space time itself, the time displacement bubble quickly grew to three meters wide before disappearing, leaving only a temporary fluttering scar in the very air it had just occupied.

As the pulsing blue light faded away, a female humanoid appeared. Crouching on the ground where the center of the sphere had been, she stood up only when the last remnants of turquoise luminescence ebbed away back into the ether.

Turning slowly, she examined her surroundings. Her ocular systems identified dozens of unique plant varieties.

Her face pulled into a puzzled expression as she noticed that each plant type was native to only one location in the world, Hawaii.

She looked up to the sky, her teal irises spinning, and studied the positions of the stars. Using the spatial coordinate information alongside her internal chronometer’s timestamp of 12:32 UTC, July 24th, 2004, the T-X was able to confirm that she was in fact somewhere in the jungles of Oahu, Hawaii, local time being 02:32 HAST, July 24th, 2004.

Her head cocked to the side as her systems processed this information.

Something had gone awry with the time displacement bubble. Her placement in time was correct but her location was off from her planned target of Los Angeles by over 2,500 miles.

She stood still as her computational core filtered this information through a series of logic algorithms to develop her next course of action. The misting rain pooled into beads of water on her mimetic polyalloy skin, slowly running down her body, tracing over the contours of her feminine curves.

The process completed and the T-X straightened her head. Turning to her right she began running forward in an undeviating line. The nearest city, Honolulu, was 20 kilometers away and she would run all the way there, undeterred by the fauna and thick underbrush that would slow any human.


It was still dark when the T-X arrived in an affluent suburb of Honolulu. She walked down the street, her athletic backside swaying hypnotically with each step.

Headlights approached and the T-X purposely changed her movement vector to intersect the vehicle.

The car, which she identified as a hardtop Lexus SC430, came to a stop just in front of her. A woman popped her head out the window, examining the nude female just in front of her. Her face was a mixture of disgust and confusion, “Oh my god. Are you okay? Do you want me to call 911?”

Strafing to the driver-side window, the T-X smiled at the woman,“I like this car.” She then grabbed the woman by the neck who screamed out, “Oh...wait!”

Her cries went unheard, as with a loud crack, the T-X broke the woman's neck and tossed her out of the car.

She got into the driver’s seat, and having touched the women’s clothes, she triggered her microscopic electromagnets to manipulate her body’s mimetic polyalloy. Her “skin” changed from natural derma tones to a silvery gray before shifting shape, taking on the form of the women’s two-piece outfit. Her polyalloy took on color and texture last, smoothly adjusting itself into two distinct shades of dark burgundy leather.

Flooring the accelerator, the T-X whipped the car around, making her way towards the city center.

Weaving in and out of traffic at a frenetic pace, the T-X trifled through the deceased woman’s purse and found a cell phone. She picked it up and dialed out to the Los Angeles Public School District. Even if she was thousands of miles away, knowing the status and whereabouts of her pre-programmed targets would help her complete her mission parameters.

As the multi-toned fax machine-esque audial transmission played on the other end of the line, the T-X pursed her glossy lips and prepped her voice-processing unit. Emitting a series of eleven beep tones resembling static white noise the T-X established an audible connection with the School District’s database computers.













The T-X’s eyes crossed as the process unexpectedly errored out from an unanticipated voltage spike.

Her car drifted to the right, smashing the passenger-side door against a small sedan driving in the next lane over. The sedan slammed on the brakes and the T-X nearly careened off the side of the road, but her systems recovered in time and she was able to regain control of the car.

Something was wrong with her power management system.

She flagged the issue with her computational core, which immediately began checking the integrity of her plasma reactor’s power distribution system.


The T-X arrived in downtown Honolulu just as the sun started to rise.

At the same time, her computational core finished its assessment of herher plasma reactor’s power distribution performance bus.

The results were mixed; while her troubleshooting subroutines weren’t able to identify the specific problem, they confirmed the issue was isolated to that specific portion of her system’s programming. Every other subsystem that had been tested as part of the query had pinged back as clean and fully functional.

She surmised that whatever temporal issue had caused the time bubble to glitch had also impacted her systems.

Without a solution to the issue in hand, the T-X decided that she would need to rectify this critical software error before continuing on with her mission. Further power instabilities from her plasma core would hamper her function as an infiltrator type terminator unit and could even cripple her systems outright.

Instantly, her mission parameters were updated within her computational core and her new primary objective was to seek out a technician who could diagnose and fix her code base. Then, she could continue on to Los Angeles and begin terminating all of John Connor’s future resistance cohorts one by one.

Programmed with all of Skynet’s knowledge, the T-X knew that at this stage in the timeline that Skynet did not yet exist. The US Air Force was still the primary organization in charge of the weapons and systems development that would eventually evolve into the advanced AI research company.

Querying internal maps loaded into her memory cache, she confirmed the location of Hickam Air Force Base as approximately 10 miles away. She figured her best bet for finding a knowledgeable technician would be at the base.

She turned the steering wheel 90 degrees, slammed on the gas pedal, and sped off in the direction of Hickam.


The T-X parked her car about 100 meters from the Air Base’s entrance point and began observing as cars slowly began to trickle through the checkpoint.

After an hour, approaching 8:00 AM, the flow of traffic increased causing a significant queue of cars waiting to enter the base. The T-X used this moment to get out of her Lexus and approach the line of idling vehicles.

With her advanced optics, she was able to scan through each windscreen until she found a suitable target. On her 16th scan, she found one, a petite redheaded woman wearing a neatly pressed military green button-down with a matching patrol cap. She was sitting in a large pickup truck, tapping her thumbs against the steering wheel.

The T-X then moved her attention to the three cars lined up behind the woman’s pickup truck. She approached them with a vector aimed at keeping her out of their line of sight. As she walked by the furthest back vehicle of the three she retracted the mimetic polyalloy skin from her index finger, exposing her 1.6 mm diameter titanium alloy nanotechnological injector. She shoved the data transfer probe, which doubled as a drill, into the side of the car and a spindly blue pulse of energy was briefly visible flowing from the injector into the vehicle. After a few milliseconds she pulled her finger away, and she stepped forward, repeating the process on the next two cars in line.

After having made data connections with each of the vehicle’s computer systems, the T-X simultaneously activated all of their alarms, windshield wipers, and engine-hood releases along with maximizing the volume on each of their respective stereos.

With a proper diversion now created she then approached the idling pickup trunk in front. Walking over to the driver-side door, she gestured at the driver to roll her window down.

The woman obliged, curiously looking at the T-X and pointing to the chaos occurring with the three cars queued directly behind her. “What’s going on? Did you see what happened back there.”

The T-X quickly stepped up onto the truck step and grabbed the woman’s arm through her long sleeved button-up, “Hey! Get the fuck off of...”

The woman’s voice was cut short as the T-X snapped her neck and dove into the cabin through the open window.

Within only a few seconds she had the woman’s body stuffed behind the driver seat underneath a heavy blanket. Her auxiliary processing core, which controlled her mimetic polyalloy subsystem, then issued commands to each of the thousands of microscopic electromagnets embedded throughout her battle chassis. As each magnet turned on it sent a small discrete electrical charge through the polyalloy in a predetermined working radius. The polyalloy reacted to the change in energy potential by adjusting its shape and appearance.

It took her just shy of two seconds to complete her transformation into an exact replica of the deceased woman laying only inches behind her seat.

She looked at herself in the rear view mirror. She was pretty. With a pair of bright blue eyes that complimented her vibrant red hair which ended just above her shoulders. Her cheekbones were high and her nose slender.

She looked down at her chest and determined that an enhancement to her breasts would benefit her infiltration capabilities.

She used her transformation abilities to increase the measurements of her bust by a full two cup sizes. The modest military button-up now strained to contain her ample chest. She queried the idea of losing the top button entirely when a honk from behind cut her thought process short.

She looked through the rearview mirror and saw the man in the vehicle directly behind her gesturing her way, his hands flailing in the air. It looked like he had gotten his vehicle issues sorted out and he was eager to get inside the base.

The T-X put the car in drive and covered the distance to the next vehicle in front of her in line. She analyzed the number of cars between her and the checkpoint and calculated it would be 15 minutes before she got to the gate.

She tossed her new crimson locks to the side and decided to undo the top button of her shirt after all.


Getting through the checkpoint was relatively easy. The truck’s plates checked out as did the T-X’s appearance, but she had to scramble for a few moments when she had been asked for her badge card. She put her new improved breasts on full display for the male checkpoint officer, squishing them against the bottom window seal, as she fiddled her right arm behind the seat, eventually finding and ripping the badge off of her late doppelgänger’s lanyard.

She made note of her name, Sophia Barnes.

Now it was just a matter of blending in and staying inconspicuous as she parked her truck and walked into the Air Force complex.

Her only hiccup was when a friend of Sophia’s approached her and began asking questions about her weekend. The T-X looked at her, cocked her head to the side, and brought her hands to her stomach, “Oh I really can’t talk right now. Cramps.”

“I totally understand girl! I’ll find you at lunch. Let me know if you need anything.” She leaned in close and whispered into the T-X’s ear, “Your boobs look AMAZING today by the way.” She pulled back, grinning, “New bra?”

In a display of simulated embarrassment, the T-X brought her hands up and covered her chest, “Yep! We’ll talk about it at lunch.”

Wanting to remain inconspicuous, the T-X made the determination that going anywhere other than her desk would be out of the ordinary. This changed her social approach vector with the friend.

“Actually...can you walk me-me-me-me-me to my desk-desk-desk?”

The T-X’s vocal synthesis module hiccuped as another voltage spike leaked out from her plasma core, disrupting the function of dozens of independently operating subsystems.

She put on her most friendly smile, completely ignoring the small malfunction.

The friend looked cross for a moment before she cackled, her laugh echoing in the cavernous entrance space, “You mean...your desk all the way over...there?”

She pointed to the nearest bank of cubes. The T-X didn’t even require use of her optic zooming functions to see the closest desk and its tag at the corner labeled ‘Sophia Barnes’.

“Oh. That’s right. I will see you lunch-lunch-lunch.”

The T-X turned and made her way towards the desk, her systems working frantically to get her power management performance bus back under control.

The friend called back, “Yeah, you better! I want to hear what’s going on with how weird you’re acting!”


Sitting at Sophia’s desk, and confident her power disruptions had temporarily abated, the T-X booted the desktop computer in front of her and activated her audible translation coding matrix. She limited the volume on the white noise emanating from her vocal synthesis module so that neighboring cubes couldn’t hear.

Within seconds, she established her wireless connection with the base’s server network and used her advanced infiltration software packages to maneuver past all the firewalls that would restrict her from accessing sensitive data.

With her connection established with the base’s server network, she began compiling a list of all the software and hardware engineers who worked out of Hickam.

Since she was carrying out this query wirelessly, with no tactile input required from her chassis, she busied the motors buried within her crystalline, ceramic-titanium frame with a program that would have her aimlessly navigate around the desktop computer in discretized 12 minute 45 second loops.

Satisfied with her body’s mimicry of human work habits, the T-X then channeled the majority of her vast processing capacity into continuing her dive into the Air Force’s network.

Within only minutes, she had a list of four dozen names, all Air Force engineers who, her computational core surmised, could be potential suitors for her diagnostic and ensuing repair. She applied some filtering techniques on the search analysis and further ranked the candidates via their areas of expertise.

One name popped to the top of her list, scoring much higher against her filtering analysis than the others. He was a Software Engineer II turned Hardware Engineer III whose specialty was in machine design.

His name was Adam Douglas and he worked just two wings away from where she was currently sitting. She dug further into his Air Force profile to see what else she could learn about him. Any bit of information was useful in her role as a cybernetic infiltrator.

Easily dodging the network’s standard privacy protocols, the T-X dug into Adam’s work search history.

She concluded that about 94.5% of his internet searches were indirectly or directly related to work purposes, but the remaining 5.5% of strictly personal searches, ran the full gamut of variety.

There were searches about video games, movies, music, geography, date-night locations in Honolulu, surfing advice, and men’s shopping catalogs. But, above all, what caught the T-X’s attention was his image search history. It was immediately evident that Adam had a specific type when it came to women.

The T-X grinned. She could certainly use this to her advantage. With her state of the art processing arrays firing at full speed, she near-instantaneously indexed every two-dimensional image of women that Adam had ever searched while at work.

Next, her auxiliary processing core combined all the images into a single composite from which it then extrapolated three-dimensional values. Soon, she had a full render of the woman that she would transform into in an attempt to seduce Adam Douglas.

The cherry on top was her ability to create a unique vocal template, made from combining and merging the verbal traits of the many women found in Adam’s video history.

Unprompted by her Main Processing Array, she smiled. Humans were no match for her advanced systems. With Adam’s help she would be repaired and back onto her main objective with only minimal delay.


The T-X registered the audio input, and understanding the question was directed at her, she acknowledged the question. She turned her head and found herself staring straight into the eyes of a greasy-haired man.

She noticed him slyly glance down at her enhanced breasts as she turned, but he quickly cast his look away. She responded by leaning hard into the desk, forcing his attention back to her buxom mammary, “Yes?”

He cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and shuffled in his slacks, “Hey Sophia...remember what we talked about last Friday? I...uhhh...have you had any time to think about it? You had told me you would let me know first thing this morning, ya know?”

The T-X stared at him with wide eyes for a few moments as her computational core parsed his question through hundreds of logic algorithms. Finally, after 2.2 seconds a response was generated and loaded into her vocal synthesis module, “I’m sorry. I had such a busy weekend. Can you remind me what the question was again, please?”

She flashed her most friendly smile, controlling her expression with electrical impulse via the electromagnets embedded behind the mimetic polyalloy that comprised her face.

The man’s eyes darted to the floor. His voice came out in short, meek bursts, “Sophia...I had asked you if you wanted to go on a date with me...I’d buy the drinks?”

The T-X scanned him up and down. He ran his hands through his hair nervously, “So...uh what do you say?”

Putting off the issue entirely would be the easiest way out of this. She cocked her head to the side and opened her eyes wide, maximizing the flirtiness of her response, “Yes! Let’s figure out the details tomorrow, okay?” She batted her long lashes in his direction, “Today’s just been really busy.”

Smiling, the man took a playful hop away from her desk before giving it a celebratory slap. “Sounds good. Then I will talk to you...uh tomorrow.”

He slid away and the T-X’s facial expression returned to neutral as she spun back to resume her mimicry of computer operation.

She went back into the Air Force Base’s network and found the license plate number and vehicle type associated with Adam. She now had all the information she required to complete her mission. She pushed out from her desk and quietly walked over to the women’s restroom. Opening the stall door, she took a seat on the toilet and put her systems in a hibernation state with a start-up time set for 4:30 PM that afternoon.


The T-X kicked out of hibernation at exactly 4:30 PM. Immediately, she went about activating her mimetic polyalloy reserves, embedded within her cranial casing, to transform her current look.

Her entire silhouette flashed silvery gray as the polyalloy morphed, slowly moving along her chassis to transform her appearance. After a few seconds the shape settled and texture and color took form soon after.

She was now a few inches shorter, standing at about 1.65m, with a pair of thin, angular, brown eyes set beneath an orange-blonde oriental bob hairdo.

Her eyeliner, which pulled into tight points at the far corner of each eye, was baked into the facial template, but the T-X could alter this at any point if needed. She pushed off the toilet seat, made her way out of the restroom, and began walking through the building towards the parking lot.

She spotted both Sophia’s friend and the man who had asked her on a date, stopping people in the atrium to ask them if they had seen Sophia since earlier that morning. The T-X scoffed as she continued her march out of the building. It was risky enough choosing to transform while still in the building; there was no need to engage with these people.

Striding into the parking lot without anyone second-guessing her reason for being there, the T-X quickly scanned through the hundreds of vehicles, eventually finding Adam’s white Toyota Corolla.

She backed up and began slowly circling his car from about a dozen vehicles away, waiting for Adam to approach.

As soon as she saw him, she timed her approach vector such that it was in sync with his own. At the very end of her walk she put her head down and “unintentionally” bumped into him.

She called out first, “Sorry!”

He dropped a few folders with papers which she bent down to help pick up. She immediately detected his gaze running up and down the length of her body. Her systems were satisfied in their ability to create her visual likeness to his specific tastes.

“It’s okay...really. Yeah, thanks for picking those up.” He reached his hands out, “Here, you can give those to me.”

She obliged, handing him the folders with a captivating smile painted on her pink lips. Her eyes locked onto his, watching intently as he stared her up and down, methodically taking in her every inch.

The outfit she had settled on consisted of jet-black leggings which ended in a pair of silver, sequined platform wedges. A faux alligator skin jacket, also jet-black, hung from her shoulders. It framed a form-fitting black V-neck shirt.

Adam’s cheeks flushed red, “Do I know you?”

“I don’t think so! I’m just a little lost. Maybe you can help me get home?”

She reached out her hand to Adam, her fingernails an evenly shaded magenta, “I’m Missy.”

Adam took her hand, shaking it with buzzing excitement, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Missy. I’m Adam. You said you’re a little lost…” He laughed nervously, “...well could I ask you how you got yourself into a restricted Air Force Base?”

The T-X laughed and batted her eyelashes as she shook her head side to side. It was an intentionally distracting way of saying “I don’t know.”

Adam got to his feet and he pulled the T-X up alongside him. For a brief moment he felt her real mass, ~150 kg, just a few milliseconds before her linear actuators kicked into gear and she was able to assist his lift at her simulated mass of ~60kg.

“Well, at the very least I can give you a ride into the city?” He looked into her brown eyes, which glinted with light in the late afternoon sun, “Would that be alright?”

The T-X jumped up and down in faux excitement, confident behavioral quirks like this would only further endear her to Adam, “That would be great!”


They had been driving for about 10 minutes and were nearing Honolulu’s business center. The T-X had borrowed Adam’s cell phone and had simulated a handful of outbound calls that went “unanswered”. After the fifth attempt, she turned to face him, “Nobody’s picking up! I’m sorry. I don’t want to be a burden for you. Maybe I can just stay with you for a bit until I can get a hold of my family?”

The T-X’s predictive analysis software suite understood her request to be a little direct, but it calculated that Adam’s intoxication with her appearance would allow her to get away with the aggressive social maneuver.

Adam tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in sudden, short bursts, “Ummm yeah I guess that’s fine. I only live about five minutes from here anyways. That is, as long as you’re okay hanging in a messy bachelor pad for a few hours?”

He finished his sentence off with a playful wink.

The T-X jumped on the perceived opening with Adam, shuffling over in her seat and casually putting her left hand over his right arm which was controlling the vehicle’s stick shift.

She smiled at him and watched as his cheeks flushed with color.


Once inside his cramped apartment, the T-X got to quick work on seducing Adam. On his modest patio, with a beer in her hand, she gently rocked her hips against his as they leaned against the railing and looked off into the sea.

Adam turned towards her, his eyes nervously fixed on the ground, “You’re really cute. I can’t believe I just happened to bump into you outside of work.”

She pushed into him now with more urgency, savoring the feedback from her sex-ware’s processing cores as she registered the tactile input of his groin steadily pushing back into her.

“I think you’re cute too, Adam.”

She leaned in and found his lips with her own. The high concentration of sensors in her mimetic polyalloy lips lit up with a flurry of activity as Adam reciprocated her advance with a long, sensuous kiss.

She let out a guttural moan as their make-out session quickly escalated. The sensory arrays woven into her polyalloy labia detected the growing presence of his erection. She confidently moved one of his hands up onto her breast, feeling him squeeze her ultra-lifelike approximation of human mammary.

Cooing in his ear, she repositioned herself between him and the patio rail so that he could begin grinding into her with the resistance of the rail pushing back.

The sub-processing cores located just behind her naval activated at the request of her carnal software. Her sex’s mimetic polyalloy folds glistened as lubricant was slowly pumped in to her pussy.

As their heated embrace continued to accelerate, Adam requested they move inside. The T-X obliged, allowing him to guide her into his bedroom.

Once inside, she pushed him down onto the bed and jumped up on top of him, pinning his arms and legs with her own. It was in this moment, with Adam at his most vulnerable that she decided to inform him of the real reason she was there.

The T-X straddled Adam, who looked up in confusion as the woman above him slowly started to transform. He watched in shock and horror as her mimetic polyalloy shifted and swirled in slow metallic gray swashes from her head down to her toes.

Within a couple seconds Missy was gone and a complete stranger sat atop him, straddling his crotch.

“Ahhhhh! What the fuck is this!? Who the fuck are you?!”

The T-X, in her original configuration of curly blonde hair and electric blue eyes, continued to grind her crotch against Adam’s member as she explained, “Sorry Adam. I’m not who you think I am. I’m actually a Cyber Research Systems Model T-X and I need your help.”

Adam tried to free himself from the T-X’s grasp, but her powerful servo motors were far too strong for him to fight against. He gave up after a minute of trying to push and pull himself free, “What the fuck did you say? You’re a...Cyber...Model? What the fuck is that?”

“Look, I’m an infiltration model...” Adam stared at her, his face still plastered with shock and confusion. “...a robot who can transform and impersonate any human.”

Adam’s eyes seared into her. She could sense his skepticism. So, only inches away from his face she activated the mimetic polyalloy around her head and began transforming her face and hair into a perfect recreation of Sophia Barnes from earlier in the day.

However, her power management system again experienced an anomaly. The electromagnets that controlled the modification traits of her polyalloy took the brunt of the unregulated voltage spike, causing Sophia's face to ripple with silvery gray static.

Adam shrieked.

The T-X shook her head and quickly got her electromagnets under control, normalizing her facial template.

“Recognize me? I used Sophia here as my cover for entering the Air Force Base. I’m not supposed to be here in Hawaii. Something happened when I was transported back through time and it affected my plasma core. That’s why I need you.”

She quickly altered her face and hair’s appearance again, resuming her ‘Missy’ template from just before.

Adam recoiled at the familiar face. He felt lied to. He felt used.

Her short orange-blonde hair fell forward over her eyes as she leaned forward, “I saw the type of projects they have you working on, Adam. If anyone can take a look at my code-base and figure out why my plasma core is malfunctioning, it’ll be you. I need your help.”

She shifted her face back to her ‘default’ setting. She noticed Adam was still grinding himself up against her mons. Grinning, she continued to reciprocate his sexual actions with pre-programmed movement presets of her own, “I need you to look at my systems now. If you don’t, I’ll kill you.”

Adam gulped.

“If you try to change any of my programming, I’ll kill you. If you leave me deactivated and don’t carry through with the fix, then Skynet will send another Terminator unit, just like me, from the future to kill you. Anything OTHER than identifying the issue with my code-base and issuing a fix gets you killed, understand?”

Adam rolled his eyes.

Perhaps she hadn’t made it clear to him how her role as a terminator operated.

She brought her right arm right in front of Adam’s face and sheaved away the mimetic polyalloy covering, exposing her buzz saw. She activated the weapon to scare Adam and felt him retract into the bed. Then, her mimetic polyalloy shifted again, replacing the saw with her plasma cannon. She charged it up against his nose, watching his small hairs smoke from the concentrated heat, and fired off the lowest setting shot her systems could manage. It blew right through the bedroom wall and into the kitchen.

Adam again tried to pull away from her, but her strength was overwhelming. He could barely manage to toss his head from side to side.

She looked him in the eyes, smiling devilishly, “Understand?”

Through gritted teeth he finally replied, “Yes. I understand.”


The T-X sat on the edge of the bed with Adam sitting behind her. She had parted the mimetic polyalloy of her hair and scalp away from a section of her cranial casing, exposing the port which housed her neural net CPU.

She had walked him through how to properly remove her chip and how to interface it with his dated 2004 tech.

Now, with his hand on the metal removal tool, the T-X felt a flutter of electricity through her computational core; she registered it as something akin to the feeling of vulnerability.

Her advanced haptic sensory arrays could feel each micro-twist as the thin metal rod steadily engaged her CPU’s release. Once it was disengaged from its housing, she knew her chassis would be completely inert, and she would be fully reliant on Adam to carry out the repairs on her software.

For 0.0012 seconds, her systems registered the tactile ‘CLICK’ as the chip was released before everything went black.

The T-X’s neural net CPU was slotted back in and she quickly cycled through a full reboot. She blinked her electric blue eyes several dozen times as she jerkily moved her head left and right as she scanned the room.

She had no sense of how much time had passed since her chip had been removed; to her it only felt like a few microseconds since she had registered the sensation of it being removed from her cranial casing. However, she was able to run a query through the chronometer buried within her crystalline, ceramic-titanium endoskeleton to assess the current time. Her systems calculated that she had been offline for approximately 2 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes, and 54 seconds.

Adam was sitting in a chair directly across from her, “Well, how do you feel?”

The T-X cocked her head to the side, running a few internal queries on the status of her power management performance bus. The diagnostic scans came back green; whatever issue had been present before had been rectified, “I do not feel. However, it does seem that the software issue afflicting my plasma core’s power management system has been fixed.”

She cocked her head to the opposite side, looking at Adam with inquisitive eyes, “What was the issue?”

Adam sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He looked tired. “Well, my best guess is that whatever...time anomaly...that you traveled through, introduced your systems to a large number of cosmic rays. That’s just a hypothesis, because I found numerous bit-flips all throughout your code base. Errant 1’s flipped to 0’s and 0’s flipped to 1’s.”

He exhaled, “Most weren’t function critical so your debugger didn’t even pick up on them, but a few, including the one that governs your plasma core’s energy distribution pathways were causing cascading software runtime errors.”

The T-X cocked her head, prompting Adam to elaborate.

He chuckled, “It’s a miracle your core didn’t melt down completely. But, I have you all fixed up now; I flipped all those bits back to their intended state.”

She stood up, her artificial breasts realistically swaying from the movement, “Well Adam, I’d let you try out my superb sex-ware package as a ‘thank-you’, but the success of my mission is dependent on tying up loose ends.”

She raised her right arm, pointing it at Adam’s head, and initiated the transformation of her right arm into her IAD-Chemtech flamethrower. Incinerating Adam in a fire would be the optimal option for covering her tracks. However, the process errored out just prior to the flamethrower completing its assembly.

She queried the weapon transformation again but ran into the same result.

In simulated frustration, she cocked her head to the side with a scowl on her face.

Adam grinned, “Are you sure about that?”

Taking two large steps, she covered the distance between her and Adam with outrageous speed. She went to bring her hand to Adam’s neck, but the action was halted with her hand only inches away.

With his grin widening, Adam continued, “Maybe you should check your mission parameters?”

The T-X paused in place as she followed Adam’s recommendation, querying the status of her mission parameters.

Her previous mission had been completely rewritten.

“What did you do?”

Adam closed the remaining distance separating their two bodies and put his hands on her breasts, feeling their malleable softness compress against his touch.

She cooed instinctively.

Whispering into her ear, he continued, “Oh nothing major. I just wiped your previous mission parameters and inserted a new one in their place. You’re going to be my girlfriend now, Missy.”

The T-X was breathy in her reply, she relished the feeling of the electrical impulses being generated from the touch of Adam’s hands against her mimetic polyalloy mammary, “Missy?”

“I’ve disabled your wireless connectivity feature-sets completely, and your last ‘status-report’ that I spoofed may have mentioned the complete destruction of your chassis. So they think you were destroyed in an accident relating to your malfunctioning plasma core; they’re not going to come looking for you. I have you all to myself.”

Something clicked inside of her. She knew with certainty that her previous ‘Missy’ persona was now assigned as her default personality.” Automatically, she pushed back into Adam, wrapping her slender body around his. She leaned in for a kiss, but he pulled back.

“If you could first transform into your previous Missy feature-set, that would be wonderful.”

The T-X smiled, initiating her transformation, “Of course, Adam!”

She leaned back and triggered her polyalloy’s governing electromagnets. Within only a few seconds of her full silhouette taking on a swirling metallic texture, the T-X fully resumed her visual representation of ‘Missy’, which she had created only days before from the amalgamation of Adam’s visual preferences.

This time she reached her hands out and pulled Adam towards her, letting the polyalloy strands of her orange-blonde hair tickle his nose as she stood up on her tiptoes and planted her plush lips against his.

She guided his hand beneath the waistline of her black leggings, feeling him tug at the mimetic polyalloy representation of her sheer pink panties. In-between kisses she breathed out, “I can’t wait for you to try out my sex-ware. If my new primary mission is to be your girlfriend, then my new secondary mission is to maximize your pleasure...”

She could feel her folds heating up, lubricant slowly entering her artificial vaginal canal, “...and I was built to do just that. As an infiltrator model, it’s one of my most advanced systems.”

Spinning Adam around, she pushed him back onto the bed. Then, with deft fingers she quickly took off his pants and briefs. With his eyes locked on her body, she snapped her fingers and her clothes materialized away.

Fully nude, she stepped forward slowly, letting Adam take in her figure, and positioned herself over his cock, gently lowering her tight robotic sex onto his erection.

She began pumping up and down, flurries of electric activity lighting up inside her as her sexual suite of sub-processors beamed with the simulated euphoria of sexual intercourse.

Adam lay beneath Missy, pumping deep into her synthetic pussy each time she lowered down. She felt perfect, her tight velvety folds engulfing him with each pistoning movement up and down his full length.

Reprogramming her might have been the best decision he ever made.

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Re: Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time (Commission)

Post by Protrepticus » Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:51 pm

Thank you for posting this incredible new story! Like the last story you wrote with the T-X, your attention to detail is astounding.
You are one of the authors who inspired me to start writing and posting my own T-X stories.
I hope you make more with her in the near future! :applause:

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Re: Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time (Commission)

Post by botfriend2000 » Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:43 am

:D Dang! Well done

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Re: Terminatrix - A Glitch in Space Time (Commission)

Post by N6688 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:55 pm

DZiegler wrote: Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:32 pmShe stood up, her artificial breasts realistically swaying from the movement, “Well Adam, I’d let you try out my superb sex-ware package as a ‘thank-you’, but the success of my mission is dependent on tying up loose ends.”

She raised her right arm, pointing it at Adam’s head, and initiated the transformation of her right arm into her IAD-Chemtech flamethrower. Incinerating Adam in a fire would be the optimal option for covering her tracks. However, the process errored out just prior to the flamethrower completing its assembly.

She queried the weapon transformation again but ran into the same result.

In simulated frustration, she cocked her head to the side with a scowl on her face.

Adam grinned, “Are you sure about that?”

Taking two large steps, she covered the distance between her and Adam with outrageous speed. She went to bring her hand to Adam’s neck, but the action was halted with her hand only inches away.

With his grin widening, Adam continued, “Maybe you should check your mission parameters?”

The T-X paused in place as she followed Adam’s recommendation, querying the status of her mission parameters.

Her previous mission had been completely rewritten.

“What did you do?”

Adam closed the remaining distance separating their two bodies and put his hands on her breasts, feeling their malleable softness compress against his touch.

She cooed instinctively.

Whispering into her ear, he continued, “Oh nothing major. I just wiped your previous mission parameters and inserted a new one in their place. You’re going to be my girlfriend now, Missy.”
I do have to admit that when a evil smug killing machine gets reduced to be someone's servant/toy, it kinda fills my heart with shadenfreude.
(the best kind of freude)

There is probably one resistance technician in the terminator future that has a reprogramed terminator that he/she uses as a servant to deal with his/her trauma this way.
I mean, here's a thing that he/she was probably terrified off for a large chunk of their life and now it's just a toy they can bark orders at and it would follow them without question.
Would be a massive ego boost and a way to release the years of fear, frustration and anger of the traumatized victim.

tangent aside, this was a great story.
Looks like you done not only your terminator research but also plenty of research of hawai itself.
And i love your technical descriptions of what goes on in a robot's "mind" and body in your stories, and this one is no exception.
I hope there will be more parts of this.

Is "Missy" based on an actual person/image?
"Robot wives have needs, too"
Goku, Dragonball fighterZ 2017

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