I'm planning to open a studio and I want to hear what you'd like to see

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I'm planning to open a studio and I want to hear what you'd like to see

Post by tinyspider » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:15 pm

So, ever since a couple of years ago I've been thinking about opening a studio and putting into video some ASFR/MC/Hypno related ideas and scripts I'd love to see. Unfortunately covid hit and those plans were sent to the back of the oven, but now that things are opening up again, I'm trying to restart the whole thing, and the first step in that process is getting a better idea of what a potential audience would like to see, which is why I created a super easy to fill survey (you don't have to type anything unless you want to give specific answers, and it's anonymous).
Here's the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/dfApBWivf4eg63r16
This would be immensely helpful for me, and hopefully in the very near future you'll start seeing the stuff you'd like to see on fetish videos. So far I've been thinking ideas such as:
  • Having all the stories happen "in the same universe" so they can connect with each other
  • Offer PG-15 versions of the videos for free, then selling the "naugthy/nude" versions of the same videos on video platforms
  • Run short polls about characters/story arcs/fetish elements and publishing videos with the most voted choices
So, what do you all think? Let me know in the comments if you have any further ideas or suggestions and thank you so much for your help!

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