Fembot Fucking Federation

Share and collect your fembot video and art ideas with our artists and video producing members.
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dale coba
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Fembot Fucking Federation

Post by dale coba » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:03 pm

Sci-fi Channel's got a show now, called

Robot Combat League
(fun; but not sexy fun.)

Now here's a glimpse of the future:

It's easy to combine fembots with scenes from any fighting/boxing/sporting movie.
The Favorite vs. The Underdog
Team Centerfold vs. Team Girl Next Door

The robots' brains are imprinted with their operator/designer's' brains.

Team Centerfold expects to win, because their unit is the prettiest in the sport according to polls.

Team Girl Next Door is in trouble, when her operator has to admit to herself that she's deeply smitten by Team Centerfold (the robot? the operator?)
GND's designer realizes her attraction will harm their robot's performance.

GND's designer asks her fake a.i./diary/stuffed-animal,
What about Centerfold's similar weaknesses?
They scan records… Team Centerfold's designer has a big secret fetish for robots.

Training/Fucking Montage!
Team GND's designer and choreographer take phrases and details from Team Centerfold's designer's secret fan fic, and change them enough so they won't be immediately recognized, to put together a special routine to drive the Centerfold to ecstasy.

The big match arrives - The Orgy Bowl

During press conference,
"Is there anything you want to say to each other?"
GND asks if Centerfold would give her a kiss for luck.

GND and her operator really play up the swoon, giving TC a false sense of security.

In the match, TC is caught totally off-guard by the special routines, and is so spent afterwards that she's left on the mat, twitching and talking like she's a demur '50s fiancee planning for her wedding reception and life as a home-maker.

She's in love.

Team Girl Next Door wins!

- Dale Coba
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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