TV > Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks

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TV > Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks

Post by keraptis » Thu Oct 03, 2002 5:42 pm

I know that once or twice gynoids on the classic British sci-fi show "Doctor Who" have been mentioned here. I think Noidguy even had some vidcaps from one of the episodes, "Androids of Tara."

In my opinion, the best Doctor Who gynoids of all time appeared on an episode called "Destiny of the Daleks." The Daleks were battling a race called the Movellans, all of whom wore white spandex costumes and silver wigs. In the end, it was revealed that the Movellans were (gasp) robots. Suzanne Danielle (you've never heard of her) played Agella, the lead female robot, who gets lots of air time in the episode. There are a few other females, none of whom get speaking roles although one -- among the few black gynoids you'll ever see -- has a great malfunction / shutdown sequence.

This is one of the earliest examples in my own childhood where I realized I found the whole robot thing interesting.

Anyhow, I've never been able to find any photos from the episode so you all could see what I was talking about. I finally found a web page with some decent pics from the show. This is a pretty funny site ... a fan of Doctor Who has painstakingly snapped "sexy" vidcaps from every episode. If you know Doctor Who you'll know how funny that is.

Here's the link: ... ry104.html


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Post by Sega-boy » Sat Oct 05, 2002 9:01 pm

That is an invaluable find!

Worth a good laugh. Thanks for the discovery.

I remember waiting patiently for 'sexy' scenes on Doctor Who during my childhood.

Painstaking is a bit of an understatement, I would think.

I wouldn't have wanted to go through the trouble. That's for sure.

I haven't had time to wade through that entire website, but for the longest time, I've been wondering: Which episode has a scene where K-9 zaps some gynoid in the back?
Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn for SEGA.

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