Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

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Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

Post by Windblade » Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:41 am

I couldn't find a topic about this show, only some mentions or links, so I decided to create it.


Country: Russia
Genre: comedy, detective, science fiction
Number of seasons: 2 + New Year's special episode (prequel - a story about beta version of Anna)
Also third season was announced recently.

Russian scientists have created a female android for work in police. Perfect in every way, captain Anna Nikolaevna Korolkevich is sent to provincial town to learn real life and become human-like. Everyone thinks that Anna Nikolaevna is just a daughter of deputy minister, and everything goes well until her humanization goes way too far.

What I liked:
1. Acting is quite good (with a few exceptions, of course). Zoya Berber plays an android very well.
2. There are some good (and sad) jokes.
3. Some nice (for a modern Russian TV show, haha) action scenes in second season's last episode.

What I didn't like:
1. Sexism, misogyny and homophobia (it's a common problem of modern Russian movies and TV shows).
2. Too many stupid and insulting jokes (it's a common problem of modern Russian movies and TV shows too).
3. Religious propaganda (fortunately, not too much). No, I'm not joking. For example: Anna was christened because she wanted to. There was a small malfunction (hang / freeze) during this process, but it was fixed immediately. Also there was an episode about myrrh-streaming icon.
4. Second season takes place in Moscow, and this city is shown like it's a resident of evil or something like this :)
5. Too many romantic storylines in second season.

Seems like there are no English subtitles for this show, but there are Russian subtitles for both seasons and a special episode (they are "soft", so they can be extracted from a video file and translated to other languages).

P.S. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.

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Re: Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

Post by Bilbo1 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:11 am

I've seen some brief clips from this programe, but as I don't speak Russian I missed all the jokes, good and bad. I've not seen anything from the second series or the New Year special (this sounds very interesting)

Thanks for your reivew, especially given it's in your native 'mother' tongue.

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Re: Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

Post by Windblade » Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:39 am

Maybe one day I'll write a big, more detailed review of this show...

Oh, and about New Year's special!
Russian scientists have created an android police officer, it's a male android, his name is Anton Nikolaevich Korolyov. But he looks strangely fenimine and speaks in a female voice...because one of developers was constantly thinking about his beloved (who died of a terminal illness). At first, scientists think that they created a gay android (yes, a lot of disgusting homophobic jokes again >_< ), but then they realize that it's a woman; it became clear when this android decided to play Snegurochka (Snow Maiden) in a New Year party at the police office.

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Re: Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

Post by Devil » Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:07 am

It was covered in the YouTube thread a few times. There is a gallery on the site. ... olaevna%27

There is some really good parts. Happy to hear there is a Season 3 coming.

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Re: Proekt "Anna Nikolaevna" / Проект "Анна Николаевна"

Post by Windblade » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:10 am

Third season will premiere in 2024:


The exact date of premiere is unknown, but there are some rumors about it - some sources say that new season will begin on September 11th.

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