what's a nice girl like you doing in an anal movie

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Corey Fantoccini
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what's a nice girl like you doing in an anal movie

Post by Corey Fantoccini » Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:02 pm

I remember reading a review of the Annabel Chong adult video WHAT'S A NICE GIRL LIKE YOU DOING IN AN ANAL MOVIE and it mentioned that there was a running gag involving dim robotic women, ostensibly costumed to resemble the Coppertop family characters from the 90s Duracell commercials. I never actively pursued trying to get the movie to see for sure.

It came to mind again to me tonight and this time I googled it, and found that it is streaming on a site. There is a 7 minute preview, basically a condensed version of the film. It shows the women in costume but they pass by in a blip so you can't really gauge if it's a decent robot performance or just "GINO" material. (The women look more like they're in a B-52s lookalike contest than the Duracell robots, but that's just me) But if you register at the site, you can see the whole movie. So I'm linking here if someone wants to check it out and/or add it to the wiki on general principle.

https://theclassicporn.com/videos/52166 ... romo=15082

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