Cutie Honey Tears

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Cutie Honey Tears

Post by KinoLangDanzel » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:25 pm

I just have a quick question. I remember a member named Toysher posting a video of a new Cutie Honey movie named Cutie Honey Tears that was to premiere in October 2016. Well.... Its 2017 and I can't seem to find the movie. There are some reviews, trailers, and whatnot, but no actual film (as far as I can find). I checked the Wikipedia page on it but it says its an 'upcoming' film, as if they neglected to update the page. If any one knows why or can direct me to a place where I can watch the film, I'd be really grateful.
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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by toysher » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:19 am

I want to see the movie.
I can not get it from the internet because the DVD does not come out yet.

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by lcy2007a » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:30 pm

From the official website, the blue-ray and DVD will be on sale on 4.19.

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by lcy2007a » Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:01 pm

The full video is finally online:

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by samlincoln » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:22 pm

Pretty much a GINO in this movie, although they call her an android all the time, she never displays any sort of robotic behavior and when wounded, only "pink fairy dust" or blood is revealed.
Really not worth anyone's time, not even for my Japanese language practice.

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by tdlsn » Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:35 pm

Wasted time avoided. Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by Windblade » Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:52 am

I rewatched this movie recently, this time with English subtitles (from an unknown fansub group). Previously I watched it with a Russian fandub (I couldn't find any subs back then).

This movie is boring. It tries to be serious and dark (unlike other live-action versions of Cutie Honey), but it turned out to be just boring. Almost all characters are unmemorable; in my opinion, the only one memorable and developed character is journalist Seiji Hayami, he even has more screentime than Cutie Honey herself! Acting is not good (some actors are overacting, some are, well, meh, some...are not even trying to act; it's a common problem of modern Japanese tokusatsu). The background music is quite monotonous and usually very silent. The camerawork is not good, camera often shakes too much. At least the CGI is good.

In my opinion, lead actress Mariya Nishiuchi is miscast as Cutie Honey. She is uncharismatic (at least in this movie and in this role; I haven't seen any other movies or TV series with her), her acting is bland, her face is almost expressionless (though she is cute, yes). The only good thing about her is...hmmmm... Her costume is not bad, but, in my opinion, it's too dark, too much black.

There is no "real" robot content in this movie, only some very small scenes. For example, there is a scope on Hitomi's / Cutie Honey's eye (there are two very small episodes at the start of the movie where you can see it), it's not a robot vision, the scope is visible on her eye; and sometimes her eyes are glowing. And there was some small scenes where Jill's eyes (Jill is this movie's main villain, an evil emotionless android) were glowing, and some of them her eyes were moving erratically - it looked like a very small hardware glitch, but seems like it's not a bug, it's a feature :) There was another small scene where various ports on Jill's back were shown.

And... That's all. Absolutely nothing interesting.

Seems like this movie is only for Mariya Nishiuchi fans. If you want to watch a good live-action version of Cutie Honey, you may try Cutie Honey: The Live (it was mentioned at this forum, if I remember correctly), it's a great tokusatsu show, it's both funny and dark at the same time, and the lead actress, Mikie Hara, is quite hot (though she is not my type). She also played Inga Blink in two Kamen Rider Fourze's movies and Benikiba in Gavan vs. Dekaranger crossover.

P.S. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language :)

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by tdlsn » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:39 pm

Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language
I'm not sure if you know how much some here really appreciate your detailed movie review(s). :bighug:

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Re: Cutie Honey Tears

Post by Windblade » Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:41 am

Thanks! :)

I have another review (but only in Russian language) for this movie; it was written in 2017, it's mostly about movie's flaws.

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