Ever seen this??? I.K.U.?

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Ever seen this??? I.K.U.?

Post by Mirage » Fri May 30, 2003 11:43 am

Since it's Friday, I'll be good one last time for today.

http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasia ... d=nKoVtzB5



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Post by andoroido » Fri May 30, 2003 5:35 pm

Sorry, but it's year old news..

It was terrible for us.. I think I posted a review somewhere once.
Don't anyone get excited about it.

Basically the plot summary seems like our dream come true,
but this "film" is basically a shot at "art", the only scene where
the "gynoid" twitches like a robot is when she is in male form. !!!

The scene in which she is frozen by a virus is useless because the camera
is spinning in circles so fast you can't even see her. The moving/spinning/ USS-Enterprise-under-attack camera technique is used too much through the whole boring thing, I guess it's more "artistic" that way?

The only good point at times (which is a stretch) was that these actresses were made to speak in English, but they don't know how to speak English, so their intonation is all wrong and flat.. making them sound a little artificial by acident, and there isn't much dialogue anyway.

But if art-house soft porn with quite a few transsexuals is your bag, go for it...


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