Fembot by Ms. Rache fembot.tk

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Fembot by Ms. Rache fembot.tk

Post by tmc_6882 » Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:42 pm


Monday, November 4, 2002


*Before anything else, I'd like to say I HAVE A NEW CAM URL! it's http://fembot.deep-ice.com/babygirl.jpg. I've been catching up for the two months of schooling I've missed when I came to this new school, so never ever think I don't care about you guys! coz really I do!

I've just had my first two weeks of school in this alien land, and thank God I survived! lol. I need to keep on moving until my goals are accomplished. What are they? That's a secret. But I do have something in store for all of you.

Do you have certain goals in your life that you'd like to reach? A vision perhaps that you'd like to make a reality? If you haven't got one, then this is the time to start. Won't it feel good to know that you can do anything you wanted if you were really determined to do it? Did you know that only 10% of the world's population write down their goals? and do you believe that 90% of their written goals were accomplished? Too bad for the other 90% who didn't know what to do with their life! Right now, I would want to make everyone of you a goal-oriented people! Here are some steps:

1. WRITE down your goals. -Get a notebook where you look back at your goals from time to time to remind you of your goals. And make sure they're realistic!

2. Count the cost.- See what things you must give up or sacrifice to be able to get what you want. It may be time or effort.

3.Ask yourself, is it worth it?- Does doing all of these things really worth it to accomplish your goals?

You know what? the goals that I have in my life might seem easy to most of you, but for me it's as hard as getting to mars! The obstacles that I face each day are such a big temptation to just slack off and forget about my goals. But I thought about why I'm even continuing this and risking my whole life.. If I'm going to do this for myself, I would rather have given up a long time ago... then I thought, Why not do this for God? He's certainly worthy of everything I have and will ever have. That's the reason why I'm still alive right now. Doing what I'm doing, and going through storms in a different battlefield... my hope remains in God.

Take your goals to God. He already had a plan for you even before you were born. God will bear in mind your goal when He shapes your life. :)

@ 03:38 AM | 7 hickeys |

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Net Plasticity

You go home from work or school and you had this terrible day, nobody noticed you. Your crush just passed right by you without saying hi. You longed to be one of the popular group ever since you were in elementary. Nobody credited your work. You go home, went online and blogged you had this oh so great time, IMed lots of people who wanted to talk to you, and told them you were so and so but in reality you were not.

It's worse than a split personality. It's what I call "Net Plasticity". Most of the people you meet online are fakers, if not all. Those who set up blogs and make their own sites are more real than those who just go in chatrooms for fun. These couple of years that I spent on the internet, I've come to my conclusion based on people's (even popular webmasters!) confessions of their life, that they've set up their own sites to scream out attention that they've always been longing for. However, people having their own sites and blogs, go online to express themselves and say whatever they want, whenever they wanted. But they aren't entirely genuine. If you ever read a blog who everyday seemed fine and great.. life isn't always like that. I know because I once became like this. I always sounded preppy and happy all the time, just to not add up the burden to my readers. But the real blog was left unwritten. It was inside of me. I now learned to keep it real, but also keep some things private. And if some things in my day didn't turn out right, I write it as it is and include a Word of hope in the end so others can also benefit from it.

Keep in mind that I'm not trying to diss my fellow bloggers, or try to reveal what I think is underneath one. That's what's great about blogging.. you can write anything without limitations! But I'm going to change my blogging world for a bit, and instead give you a little something out of my life. There are thousands or millions of blogs out there, but I'll try to keep this one as real as possible thinking of my readers above all :)

@ 11:12 PM | 7 hickeys |

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I'm STILL alive!

Hey you all! It's nice to be back up here with Fembot.tk running again, and sure do miss a lot of you guys! A lot has happened since I logged off the "net life" for a while. One of which is my new home location. Living in another part of the world is so different, yet always interesting! New faces and a new form of life. However, racism still runs in the culture, and crimes got worse than ever. A preacher said one day on the radio that this land is almost like the old city Jericho, though not quite. You probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about here, but if you do... then all I can say is God still loves this nation no matter what and will not leave it as it is right now. I miss my friends back in my country and the way of living so "lax" there. I miss black haired people and morenos. There are in fact some people like that here too, but grew up here and their values have been cultivated with the people here. Faith makes me firm to the God who brought us here. Everything might have changed, but He remains the same.

So, now that you've read a part of my thoughts while I was gone... Here are some major updates on the site. The navigation became easier and also became fewer than the previous. I deleted the RachelCam group, so the archived pictures will be stored here. and *drum roll please*... I have a new Y! ID: f3mb0t [hehe] Tell me what you think about the new layout!

Before I end this entry, I'd like to thank Marge, my 24/7 help hotline for helping me set up the blog and for that cute blinkie. Thanks, dear :)

@ 09:52 PM | 5 hickeys |

Wednesday, October 9, 2002


wee wee wee. blaah blaah blahh.. AWoOoo... :)

@ 09:04 PM | 8 hickeys |


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