VIDEO GAME > N.U.D.E. Interactive Female Robot

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VIDEO GAME > N.U.D.E. Interactive Female Robot

Post by kroid00 » Mon Sep 23, 2002 10:13 pm

Some of you may already know about this, but I found this very interesting interactive game which is in development. It is a female robot with virtually no intellect that you communicate with. She developes more emotional responses the longer you interact with her.

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Post by KOS-MOS » Tue Sep 24, 2002 5:31 pm

Quite the happy surprise from the Tokyo Game Show! Sadly, I wonder if it ever will make it to our shores.

Here is an article about the game from
September 23, 2002 - One of Microsoft's biggest titles at the Tokyo Game Show was N.U.D.E.: Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment. This simulation game, produced by the legendary Hiroi Ouji of The Red Company (Sakura Wars, Tengai Makyo, Gun Grave) and developed by Hokkaido-based Rocket Studio (who previously worked with Red on Tengai Makyo 4 and Kitahe:White Illumination) using voice recognition technology from a company called I Value Creation, will make use of the Xbox Voice Communicator for what could be the biggest voice-recognition game since Seaman.

The premise involves a form of communication robot referred to as P.A.S.S.. When you first start the game, P.A.S.S. lacks communication skills. All she can do is repeat the words that you say. Apparently, as you communicate with her using the Voice Communicator, the robot will become better able to communicate and will even be able to express rage, sadness and various other emotions.

Taken purely as a description, it may seem a bit gimmicky. However, we'll wait to actually try out the title for ourselves before forming any judgments. The producer behind the game is well known for making successful franchises, and technology has advanced considerably since the time when Seaman seemed capable of listening to us behind the glass of his virtual aquarium. Japanese gamers could be all over this one, depending on the final game.

At this point, we're not sure what form that final game will take, as all that was shown at E3 were a demo of the P.A.S.S. doll speaking, a flashy trailer clip and a large plaster version of the P.A.S.S. doll. A release is expected in Spring of 2003, so expect new information shortly.

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Post by UserJesse » Tue Sep 24, 2002 6:35 pm

Seems anything non-mainstream (mainstream = guns explosions and mario jumping around) never arrives on western country shores...there are many many very fun and interesting simulation games like this, my favorite being "Wonder Project J2" Being an avid anime/video game fan myself I've been disappointed by our lack of imports of these sorts =(
What asfr fan would not JUMP at the oppurtunity to raise a virtual fembot?!
lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope this title makes it to our shores =)

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Post by 1001011001 » Tue Sep 24, 2002 10:12 pm

I think this calls for a letter writing campaign so we can DEMAND that they bring this game over.

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Post by Otaru Mamiya » Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:29 am

It's unfortunate that the title was listed only for the X-box. The concept has my interest but I have on other reasons to buy the console. I can only hope that there might be a port to my PS2.
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Post by andoroido » Wed Sep 25, 2002 6:35 am

It is very unlikely that the game CAN be exported due to language.
A translation of the software into English would not merely require
some quickie "All Your Base..." type translation of cut scene text,
or even just some cheap voice-actor redubs.

Completely redoing the voice recognition and responses into another language would be almost like starting from square one, I assume.
And the niche for this kind of product isn't large enough in the West,
compared to the HUGE otaku/lonely-nerdy-guy base in Japan.

Also the simple nature of the Japanese language's pronunciation makes it a little better for voice recog than English, and nearly perfect for computer pronunciation of text.

Well, don't get your hopes up.

Although I wonder if the project will use Internet links and sharing of data
to make a big N.U.D.E. database, kind of like the cyc(?) AI project. And that this chat-bot/AI data would be used by the Microsoft guys to further build a friendly simulated personality as another stepping stone to making true AI.

What is the next step in user-interfacing anyway, if not voice recognition? and simulated AI?


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Post by UserJesse » Wed Sep 25, 2002 7:21 am

Bottom line folks, crack out that "Learn Japanese" Textbook....seems thats the only way we'll be guarenteed to enjoy these fun games they're pumping out...I went so far as to have a Japanese friend translate "some" of WPJ2 for me, tho she tired of it very quickly....and understandably so, most of these games do have that "lonely guy" in mind.

Watashi wa nihon go ga wakarimasen =(

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures and dream of a day when that lonely guy market finally hits western shores =P

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