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Post by gynoneko » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:09 am

Ok... I'm going to go a little academic on you guys here....
I am currently neck-deep in studies in animation, animation history, and cinema. One of the term papers I decided to write about is about the history of anime, specifically about how Japanese animation was influenced by American and western animators like Emile Cohl, and how those influences have come full circle. I know.. boring topic for many fo you I'm sure. And those interested in the topic... it is not as fascinating as it sounds :P
But really, one of the things I've run into are academic journals and books that analyse and discuss anime in great depth. They often focus on Robots, Sexuality, Female form, and any combination of the 3. They are pretty popular topics in anime after all. So, I wanted to share a few books I've run into that you can read that really go into "techno-eroticism" (aka ASFR).

First up:

The Anime Machine by Thomas Lamarre.

This is a fascinating book that has an entire 3rd of the book dedicated to "Girl Computerized", which focuses heavily on Chobits and other related shows. Fascinating read. If only my topic was on sexuality in animation or something like that.

Robot Ghosts.

I haven't read this one but I've run into it. It deals with sci-fi and anime, and has several sections on Sex, Sex and the Cyborg, and Women in Sci-Fi.

I'll post more if I run into more. But I figured since at lease some of us are actually more intellectually interested in these topics and not JUST physically stimulated by them, it might be a good thing to post some actual documentation on it. There are tons more listed on Amazon with similar themes, so check them out and post any you've run into also!
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Re: Academic

Post by Cornelius » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:54 am

You've found the Wired article from about 2 years ago, right?

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Re: Academic

Post by gynoneko » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:03 am

No, nat familiar with it. These in particular involve anime more than just the techno-eroticism genre, and I'm not sure if Wired is going to talk about something that specific or not. Not to mention these are not short books, there is a ton of content in these. Anyway, I'll be glad to take a look at it also if you have a link or something.
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Re: Academic

Post by csoloist » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:59 am

gynoneko wrote:Ok... I'm going to go a little academic on you guys here....
Robot Ghosts.

I haven't read this one but I've run into it. It deals with sci-fi and anime, and has several sections on Sex, Sex and the Cyborg, and Women in Sci-Fi.
Not much in there it seems. Or rather, not much that hasn't been said a hundred times already.

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