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production progress report

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:46 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
Hello....My name is Diana.

I am an assistant for Evangeline and Levi's company.
For the past 2 weeks Both Eve and Levi have been having a slight health problem as some of you might already know if you follow her Twitter and Facebook.

The last two days have been brutal and all work has been put on the back burner.

If you are waiting on Customs, DVD's, autographed pictures, etc they have had to put all of it on the back burner while they both get batter.
I am capable of handling the day to day corporate stuff like messages, appointments, scheduling shoots, etc but I am not involved with production which means I cannot edit, render, burn, or mail products.

Because of their illness they have both stopped production and editing.
If you are a producer and have a shoot scheduled with her in the next few days please expect a call directly from me within a day or two. If you have a shoot with her this week and do not hear from me by Sunday please call the contact number you have for them, as I will have both their phones.

This work will resume when they are better and obviously there will be a delay as they are currently running 16 days behind schedule.

I have been asked to make sure everyone knows that future custom work with traveling models are all still on, and active as the next model to visit will not be here for another 2 weeks and they are 100% sure they will be past this illness by then.

If you have any questions you can reach me at: or at

Please do not reply to this message as I will not have the time to follow these threads on several forums.
If there are any questions or issues please contact me directly via Email.

Thank you very much

Diana V.