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choose your own adventure movie

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:44 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
Today bwe are shooting a movie where i am a fembot delivered to Levi as his latest new toy. Anyone out there want to dictate parts of a story? its almost like having a custom made....except your sharing the story with others.
We already have a giant box that i come in! so what will it be?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:51 am
by Brytestar
Hmmm...This is interesting.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:01 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
i will start it off.
She comes into the scene in a box, he opens the box and she is safely packed inside. after getting her out of the box he looks over his new prize. his own fembot servant girl. he picks up the heavy manual and chicks it over his shoulder and just gets the plug to charge her up.

What happens next?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:53 am
by TheSpotConlon
If this is the fembot's first time operational, then she should start not only with a boot sequence, but also with a user initialization.

The power-on of a fembot is very rarely done correctly; I feel like she should sound and announce more like a machine when she's first turned on than simply pressing a button and having her jump directly to life. The best, in my opinion, was done in TW's "Awake," found on the story archives here:
“Venus Industries Y-Series 1000 Automated Companion Unit 0078, Model 23-104p Software Version 1.0.7 activated.” It said in a monotone. “Safe Mode start detected. Scanning hardware… Central processor-Found! Flash memory drives-Found! Internal power source-Found! Lower torso-ERROR> Not installed. Right leg-ERROR>Not installed. Left leg-ERROR>Not installed. Right arm-Found! Scanning… Right arm installed correctly, no errors found.
Announcing like that in a flat monotone would be ideal. Then she turns stiffly to her new owner and begins to ask a series of questions to personalize herself. ("What language?" "Preferred accent?" "Primary role in household?") It should end with her asking for the desired name of the unit, and that's when the guy realizes he hasn't picked one out.

She responds: "This unit will now announce from a randomized list of names until its owner finds an appropriate moniker." She begins to say random female names until he finds one he likes and repeats it back to her.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:56 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
Thats good. although i should point out that she will start dressed. here is her costume.

the skirt is short enough in the front that a manual inspection can be achieved, although if i end up wearing hosiery it might be difficult, unless stockings.

Ok please continue all. so far so great!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:07 am
by TheSpotConlon
She has her name, and looks at him stiffly again. "This unit will now reboot under standard human emulation parameters. If you wish this unit to acknowledge her android nature, please consult your owner's manual." Her head slumps down with a click, only to spring back up a moment later.

She looks at him with lust in her eyes, moving towards him in a totally natural, human fashion. "Hi there, lover. Did you miss me?" She's about to reach out to him, but the cord in the wall is almost about to pop right out...

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:21 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
This is all sounding wonderful! keep it going.
I will be adding that the guy reads a slip of paper saying model should be charged completely for 24 hours before activating. but he doesn't have time for that. I like where this is going. Keep going please.

And if any of you have any contradicting ideas please feel free to say them. its not written in stone as its played out. there is room for everyones opinions and it will be merged and fleshed out at the end to resemble everyones input.
Please continue guys...this is a fun way to start my weekend.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:31 pm
by ProchazkaJBG
If possible repair/malfunction scenes should be used, if that hasn't already been suggested. Can't wait to see what comes of this!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:41 pm
by TheSpotConlon
I definitely think that she should be allowed to show off a couple of different programming modes. Is she meant for all kinds of duties? Does her owner have to control exactly what she's doing via a remote or computer?

Maybe she's set to clean his house without noticing anyone else is there. He walks up behind her and plugs a USB cord into her back. She announces "Servant Mode, No Emulation." He punches a few keys. "Servant Mode, Human Emulation." She turns to him and says "Sir, do you wish me to continue in here, or shall I clean some other part of the house?"

A few more keys. "Sexual Mode, Human Emulation." She twitches, then looks again. "Hi, baby. Do you want to fuck?" She reaches for him, but notices the cord leading into her. "What's that doing there? Why is there a cord in my back? I'm human, not a silly robot...right?"

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:56 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
so far we have neded with bot going to pull recharge plug out the wall.
Interested in how sexy you guys think this should get?
Feeling a bit under the weather today. i woke up fine, and started the day fine, but as i got started moving around getting ready for the shoot i started coughing quite a bit. going to spend the day preparing for this movie storewide and shoot it tomorrow if all goes well. Very excited though. Hoping more input is offered, although i could possible do with it as is....would love to hear what you guys think should happen though.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:27 pm
by Brytestar
What further input do you require?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:13 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
well....we fell short after the plug was about to be pulled...what happens afterwards? how sexy does it get? whatever will happen at the ned? I could finish making it but the idea was to establish a group effort and we had such a great start!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:03 pm
by TheSpotConlon
Well, he had a little piece of paper saying that she should be charged for a full 24 hours, right? What happens if she's booted up prematurely? Maybe she has a complete mechanical breakdown, her limbs moving every which way, tearing at her clothes and her skin. She falls to the ground spasming, spouting gibberish, and then she freezes up. Her mouth opens again...and her voice returns to monotone, alerting him to call customer service for a replacement unit.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:32 pm
by KingJeremy
Anything new going on here? I'm eager to see what you come up with. I've forgone my weekly foray to niteflirt and set aside some cash to purchase this community involved production.

How do we go about contributing to the script?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:55 am
by fembotfan
I just would like to know what hte protocol is for contributions to this project.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:18 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
KingJeremy wrote:Anything new going on here? I'm eager to see what you come up with. I've forgone my weekly foray to niteflirt and set aside some cash to purchase this community involved production.
Still in prep stage I am afraid. I got kinda sick and that set us aside on our customs which we are doing all this weekend. With any luck i can do this on Sunday of next week. We have also been spending some cash in preparation.
The gait cardboard box we found was brought home but My husband wanted to wrap the sides to hide the original maker of the box
(epson stylus pro 9900)
so he bought a stencil kit and some markers to write fragile and sensordyne industries on it to give it an extra touch of believability. he is trying to get a giant bag of Styrofoam peanuts to wrap me in but that might not be possible.
Anyway we are salsa still trying to figure out the ending. should it be a sexual one, a non-sexual one? there are a a few roads and since people have not chimed in we will figure it out before the end of the week

Re: How do we go about contributing to the script?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:22 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
fembotfan wrote:I just would like to know what hte protocol is for contributions to this project.
I am not sure I understand the question
if your wondering what becomes of the ideas given? well i am going to send out a free copy of the movie to the two people who suggest the most helpful info that gets used.
so far the only ones to contribute have been Kishin and
TheSpotConlon. Bteween the three of us so far we have formed the core of the story. If others helped build it i would certainly send them a free copy as well if it gets used in the making.

If i read your question incorrectly then please re=phrase so i can understand

thank you

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:53 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
I will say one thing...I am very very exceed about doing this.
but i ask a little bit of patience. I cant wait to start making these videos more and more elaborate. I have been reading the stories and have been practicing my voices and my movements. picking apart videos you guys have sent me to help me get better.
I am so excited.

When you say it requires special effect what do you mean. I have been playing with several fx packages for my other movies and while i cant promise perfect, i can promise "always improving"

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:26 pm
by EvangelinevonWinter
Movies been shot.....Kinda. Working on voice effects at the moment. Transitioning from a mechanical voice to a monotone human voice in one stream...don't know how it will work but still trying. I am not sure how it worked out....i kept it pg-13 for this one.
Should be out tomorrow at earliest.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:24 am
by KingJeremy
Very interested in the final product. I'll check back from time to time to see when it's up and available for purchase. Thank you for taking the time to put this together Evangeline.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:22 am
by EvangelinevonWinter
I have downloaded and have started playing with an fx preset that changes the eye clor to anything. from normal human colors to bright neon or firry reds. I am thinking of having the femobots eyes changes for a second when she is turned on. This isn't in this movie but will most likely be in the next. Meanwhhile i hope that those who buy the movie will feel free to comment on what needs to be worked on to make a better movie. Unlike many of my other first attempts i feel like this one will need some extra work on. My walking for example. its difficult to get a robotic walk without looking to human,. or looking too cheesy.