New Pricing and New Update

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New Pricing and New Update

Post by Xeran » Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:49 am

Hi Everyone,

I've lowered the pricing of Synthoids back to where it originally was due to the interest in the site so it's slightly under 10 dollars for 30 days, so 29 dollars gets you three months of membership. For those that are current members you'll need to cancel and re-join to get the new rate. :)

There's a new set update with a nice malfunction build up. And I'm currently working on a new story, soon to be on the site see the teaser below.

Here's the teaser:

It was the middle of summer and time to throw my all out party that I’ve been doing for the last 10 years. The list had gotten significantly smaller given that we’re all a little older and spread out, but non-the less at least 100 people would be in attendance. I had been lucky in growing up with a rich family, I didn’t have to work for my livelihood but still I attended school and received my master’s degree in electrical engineering. It turned out that after graduating my master thesis would help push my wealth to an all new level. I created the first locked hydrogen power supply, in simple terms a power supply that could generate a significant amount of energy without getting hot or require charging. This turned out to be very valuable to the space program, car companies, air plane manufactures and the emerging robotics technology. As now they could create a Synthoid that wouldn’t require no charging or have toxic waste that could leak or explode if a Synthoid was in an accident or had an internal malfunction. The majority of deaths from Sythoids were from power issues. Also since my power supply was a closed source it allowed for them to create submersible units, which were a huge hit.

Thanks for the feedback on what you guys like, I'm currently working towards meeting all of them.

Thanks again,


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