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Is Active?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:43 am
by Trace Venom
I realize I should've asked this question before I bought a subscription, but it seems as though Synthoids is missing it's content. I also tried to search the board to see if there had been any mention of this, but it hasn't been discussed as far as I know.

Where's Xeran? Is he Ok? I haven't seen him in a while...

Any light shed on the subject would be gladly appreciated, before I go into a silly spastic rage over losing $12.00 bucks on a dead site.

Re: Is Active?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:38 pm
by Trace Venom
I really hope he's ok.

That being said: When I put my username and password, I'm only getting an unending loading screen, and the rest of the site seems missing. I really hope he shows up and addresses the status of his site.

I know it's a bitch to keep a paysite running, but like everyone else, I hate it when a faulty Soda-Pop machine eats my money.