Celebrating the one year anniversary of MCcomix.com

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Doctor Robo
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Celebrating the one year anniversary of MCcomix.com

Post by Doctor Robo » Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:12 pm

On September 19, 2009, MCcomix.com officially launched and went public. One year later, we're celebrating the site's first anniversary!

To mark the occasion, many of our talented artists have put together a fun pin-up of some of their most famous characters saluting MCcomix's day in the sun. We have collected them all in a gallery in a free area, and here's the link if you want to check it out!

http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=12186
This week's updates at MCcomix.com:
(All links and descriptions are for ADULTS ONLY!)

From the pages of MCcomix.com, Doctor Robo and Finister Foul proudly present "Forbidden Fantasy" chapter 14!

http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=11807

Crissy has discovered Lisa’s ability to control minds with her hypnotic breasts, and she absolutely LOVES it! Even though she knows it is wrong, Crissy is having too much fun toying with peoples’ minds and isn’t about to stop now. First came Chief Coleman. Then Valient Grrl fell victim to Crissy’s busty charms. Now Alpha Woman is locked in a battle to save her own mind from certain enslavement... and her lover Valient Grrl has suddenly joined the other team!

For more information, visit the Metrobay Comix wiki at: http://metrobay.wetpaint.com/

Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/metrobaycomix

A shocking kidnapping drags Alpha Woman to the crime scene, but she finds more than evidence there and has an unexpected run-in with an old friend. Meanwhile, the culprit of the crime is none other than her own lover, Valient Grrl, who remains under the evil sway of Theo, Leo, and Cleo! But they're not done with her yet! A puppet to their every command, Valient Grrl has no choice but to carry out their evil deeds... and their next target is none other than.... Hypnotica?! What evil things will Valient Grrl be forced to do to her teammate, and how does the newest superheroine factor into their plans? Find out in "Body Image" issue 6, only at MCCOMIX!

http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=11862

There's more coming soon! Enjoy, and thanks for supporting MCComix!

Long time no 'em see! Get it... MC.. hey who threw the rotten tomato!?

Anyways, we're adding a special member bonus today... Catatonic Kitty!

http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=11920

Max Indeks finds his feisty arch-enemy Pink Pussycat to be suddenly overtaken by some catatonic mind control. What will that villain Max make his mindless kitty do!?

Ringmistress's past is explored, along with the tragic story of her first true love, the future heroine Fluffy! How did these two first meet, and why did they grow apart? As Ringmistress slips back down memory lane, she also paves the way for her future, including putting all her many obedient slaves to VERY good use! Meanwhile, her actions haven't gone unnoticed, and some familiar faces collide and join forces, intent on tracking her down, saving their friends, and making her pay! Will Ringmistress escape, or will she have to face up to her many crimes? Find out in Sword & Shield #6, only at MCComix!

See it here: http://www.mccomix.com/gallery2/main.ph ... emId=11741

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