How independent would your ideal fembot be?

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How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by jsteele » Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:36 am

I've been going over this in my head, and wanted feedback.

I know the fembot thing is about 'control' to some of us, but for me, it's not about that. I'm not interested in a mindless sex slave.

I'd want my fembot girlfriend to have a mind of her own; or at least the illusion of it. I'd still want her to love me unconditionally; but isn't that what we want from even a human girlfriend?

Feedback is, of course, welcome and encouraged. Thanks, all.

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by ProchazkaJBG » Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:33 pm

'She' probably wouldn't be able to leave the house. In an ideal scenario I would have a human wife and she would be down for using the fembot for some bedroom fun, but anything past that I think would be dictated by my wife lol. I do agree with you though that 'she' wouldn't be mindless or anything like that.

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by rs5420 » Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:09 pm

I would say that I have a fairly wide range of preferences. From the sleeper down to the basic robotic sex doll.

My biggest turn ons aren't about sex features or state of self conscience. I like them to do simple stuffs humans do every day. Like dressing up, doing her hair and make up. Have a drink with you or smoke a cigarette after eating diner... Or on the opposite, the lack of those features. No breath, no sweat, etc...

You can program their AI to "resist" or "reject" your proposals, and even perfect the art with a long list of preprogrammed arguments, making them uneasy partners. But they're still machines and I don't see the day where one will simply walk away, dropping you for good... Unless this is exactly what was planned by her creator/user/owner.

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by Windblade » Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:09 am

I think my fembot will be quite independent, she will be a member of my family, not a sex toy or something like this. I'll even allow her to download and install updates for her OS :D (back in the past, I thought that I shouldn't let her do it)

P.S. Btw, is there a topic about operating systems for androids?

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by dubhdanaidh » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:21 am

I prefer the more anime-esque human like fembot. So fairly independent, but perhaps given to hubris.

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by BA2 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:35 am

‘Hubris’… I love hubris in a fembot!

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Re: How independent would your ideal fembot be?

Post by dubhdanaidh » Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:16 pm

Andrea Rosu keeps asking if I want a custom. She also likes to ask what I like. Hubris keeps coming up.

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