Marking Robots

General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.

How should a fembot be marked?

Mark them with something permanent - a tattoo, exposed metal, etc.
Leave them looking robot enough not to need marking.
Don't mark them - only the owner needs to know.
Mark them with something impermanent - a tag, a uniform, etc.
Total votes: 83

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Post by MAGNUS » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:25 pm

I can expand further on ideas from my last post. The information i would print on a fembot's breasts would be circular so that it followed the natural contours of her body. I wouldn't want straight lines of print etched into her form since she has curves & is not shaped like a square box.

Outside of the printing on her breasts would be round seams. These seams would form the outer perimeter of a circular lid which could spring open when the nipples are pressed. These could be the compartments to house her power cells. Nipple sensors could start glowing or flashing when power reaches minimum or critically low levels.

The logo ball embedded in her belly button would be directly in the centre of her abdominal access hatch which would also have seams around all of the edges. The corners of this hatch would not be pointed but rather curved so a softer & more natural flowing mark would be seen on her belly.

The logo ball on her belly could be raised or lifted outwards revealing a keyhole beneath the hinged ball lid. A special key could be inserted here prior to opening the larger flat lid on her abdomen. This is merely one exercise in fembot design & does not reflect any ideal model or type of fembot. It would not be as exciting if every manufactured fembot was marked in exactly the same manner.

I can imagine many devices to be installed in a fembot's belly & this may require her belly button to be altered for connecting a variety of external equipment. Therefore, her belly button could be formed into a square shape or even in the shape of a star. Another useful shape could be perfectly round with protrusions all around the outside to resemble gears. This would be useful for recharging & connecting to computers as the appropriate cables would have matching teeth at one end to securely lock into the prototype Ciepher unit 5985.

I if was a male android then i could think of no better way to connect to a female android counterpart than having a heavy duty cable inserted into our belly buttons like an artificial umbilical cord between us. Each of us could send electrical pulses through the other in a way that no two humans could ever possibly connect. This cable could be retractable inside both belly cavities to be as short or as long as possible.

There is a robot sex scene in the movie Nemesis 4 : Cry of Angels that comes to mind which is similar to what i've described above. I think that scene is the most erotic moment i have ever seen between two cyborg or robot characters in a film aside from adult films with no special effects.


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Post by handle » Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:15 am

I find it somewhat interesting that after all the interest in fembots that we have here, one of the largest factions on the poll still prefers to leave them unblemished.

Mind, the lion's share still seems to favor specific means of denoting a fembot as one, only with a lack of agreement.

One wonders what to make of this.

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Post by Ciepher » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:26 pm

MAGNUS wrote:Another useful shape could be perfectly round with protrusions all around the outside to resemble gears. This would be useful for recharging & connecting to computers as the appropriate cables would have matching teeth at one end to securely lock into the prototype Ciepher unit 5985.
Perfect! That's found it's way into my robopersona now...

handle wrote:I find it somewhat interesting that after all the interest in fembots that we have here, one of the largest factions on the poll still prefers to leave them unblemished.

Mind, the lion's share still seems to favor specific means of denoting a fembot as one, only with a lack of agreement.

One wonders what to make of this.
Well, permanent markings are a big commitment, being there all the time.. personally, I wouldn't want a partner marked permanently, at least not without serious consideration first. I'd rather buy a robot without obvious markings and decide myself when I wanted them with their panels open, their ID tag or uniform on or whatever.

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Post by MAGNUS » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:16 pm

Thank you, Ciepher 5985, for your thoughts on some of my ideas. I have more ideas & they become progressively more bizarre than the last ones.

There is a film from 1973 called Genesis II which was written by Gene Roddenberry. It is about two groups of people in the future. One of these groups are called the Tyranians & they are mutants that were born with two hearts. Mariette Hartley ( Android in Logan's Run : Futurepast episode ) plays one of the mutants & early in the story she displays her mutant nature by revealing that she has two belly buttons.

This movie is only the beginning of many possibilities i see for fembots. Bizarre magazine #89 from October 2004 featured a cover girl robot with a dial mechanism in her belly button that operates at fast or slow speeds. I would have a robot girl with three belly buttons in a vertical row on her abdomen & recessed in each one would be glowing, coloured buttons marked with Go, Slow & Stop just like traffic lights. Each one would light up when selected & pressed by her owner. This would be similar to a bowling ball with three finger holes in her belly.

Actually, come to think of it, three belly buttons are not really enough. Instead of having a calculator pad on the inside of a fembot's body the alternate solution would be to have the number buttons with start & stop functions on the outside of her body. This means that up to ten or twelve belly buttons would be required on her stomach to display each of these functions. These buttons could be in vertical rows or they could form a circle on her tummy surrounding the central or primary belly button which opens the lid on her abdomen.

If i was to spend tens of thousands of dollars to own a fembot then i probably wouldn't want her marked up in any way but then again i'm not really going to be buying one anytime soon since they don't exist. These ideas represent something that could be incorporated into a story or a display unit if such a thing was ever manufactured. Ideally, i don't think i'd want dials & buttons all over her body but that doesn't mean that i wouldn't become aroused at the notion of such a thing.

I can imagine an entire assortment of practical devices that can be built into the belly button & a number pad is merely one of them.


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Post by petey » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:19 pm

Speaking of number pads, I was thinking the other day about having a fembot (or being one) that had a number pad built into her fingers. I figure one number on each of the three segments of four fingers (like a telephone keypad) and maybe an enter key on her palm or thumb. Even if you couldn't make the numbers appear and disappear when needed, if they were merely raised figures it wouldn't be all that noticable to a casual observer. Obviously the keys wouldn't always be active, maybe a voice command or some "unlock" sequence could be built in.

I like the idea of putting a barcode tattoo on my fembot. I wouldn't want it on her forehead or anything. I was thinking more along the lines of on the back of her neck. That way she could wear her hair down as the situation warranted, but it would be easy to reveal some indication of her nature. Maybe have a small dataport there as well to make it more obvious.

I also fancy using the belly button for recharging purposes. But what I always had in mind was a natural-looking navel that accepted a thin (think meat skewer) probe for my gynoid's power needs.

In general, it's a fun idea to have a fembot who you can tell isn't human but everyone else thinks she is.

So I'm not really on-topic, but this is one of the longer posts I've written. Go me!

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Post by Adahn Hartman » Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:25 pm

I haven't read the topic in its entirety, so forgive me if I repeat something, but why in heavens are we to presuppose that the android is subordinate? Considering that we're speaking of someone of silicon and steel, not blood and bone, I'd say it's fairly obvious that, like the computers of today, she would be above fallibility, and, more importantly, above pettiness.

I cannot think of a more ideal being to allow myself to stop thinking around. All the appeal of a beautiful woman with none of the faults attributed to the ineffective dominants we know today. If I could not allow myself to relax and submit in the company of someone like that, I would seriously consider turning myself in for a psychological analysis--clearly I'd have unresolved trust issues.

That said, a sentient or quasi-sentient android would have an entire facet of thier existance ripped from them if they were branded in any overt way; it would seem to me that doing something like that would be limiting their usefulness, both practically and casually.

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Post by Ciepher » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:39 pm

Adahn Hartman, since a robot would most likely be a product created for use by humans in this world, it being subordinate (at least at the beginning of it's existance...) would probably be the most common arrangement. And, as a product, it would most likely carry the mark of it's company, rather like a computer does today. And besides, I'm certain that a lot of humans would have a problem with the idea of not being able to tell who was human and who wasn't.

However, if we're talking about robots created as equals on Earth (which would probably be a personal request, or a very enlightened future), or a whole different world (maybe like Cybertron - robots creating children for themselves, like we decide to give birth), there would indeed be no reason for a mark.

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Post by L.W. » Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:14 pm

Hmmm... Hard choices... I'd vote 1,3 and 4 if I could.

If there is a permanent mark, it should be somewhere not easily visible when wearing normal clothing.

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There is a solution:

Post by Barmy Bob » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:20 pm

One wonderful little acronym: RFID!

Placed subdermally, (It's done to pets already as well as some Department of Defence personell and a few others), it responds only to certain radio frequencies passively, reacting with a digitized signal code that can be linked to a database.

A veterenarian friend of mine has already outfitted me with one in my arm-pit for identification. I'm still saving up for the blue-tooth system that will allow me to integrate the signal into auto-environmentals for my house, car, ect...

The cyborgization will be the next step...

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Limiting? Possibly...

Post by Barmy Bob » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:36 pm

Adahn Hartman wrote:
That said, a sentient or quasi-sentient android would have an entire facet of thier existance ripped from them if they were branded in any overt way; it would seem to me that doing something like that would be limiting their usefulness, both practically and casually.
Something like a social security number that proves you do actually exist, but without which you might as well be rogue or in the scrap heap?

In my opinion, the sentient or quasi-sentient android would see whichever mark they possess on thier chassis as part and parcel of it. It would only be counted as a stigma-inducement if thier processes were interupted/interfered by being marked in such a manner and said processes allowed for the concept of shame.

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Re: There is a solution:

Post by Stephaniebot » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:47 pm

Barmy Bob wrote:One wonderful little acronym: RFID!

Placed subdermally, (It's done to pets already as well as some Department of Defence personell and a few others), it responds only to certain radio frequencies passively, reacting with a digitized signal code that can be linked to a database.

A veterenarian friend of mine has already outfitted me with one in my arm-pit for identification. I'm still saving up for the blue-tooth system that will allow me to integrate the signal into auto-environmentals for my house, car, ect...

The cyborgization will be the next step...
You lucky thing, I'd love to be fitted with 1 myself.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by Bonita772 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:51 am

An android would almost have to have some sort of identification tag. Where it would reside would depend on what model you are. If you are a totally "human" looking model, it would definitely have to be hidden somewhere. If you are a model like myself, human head with a metal body, I'd prefer it to be external, most likely on my rear access panel. In any case, a simple scan of a barcode would allow all the records of the unit being serviced to come right up.

An android would need to have some type of marking like this, for ordering of parts and maintenance records. Not all manufacturers would build one exactly the same, and parts would have to be readily available or ordered based on the model being fixed. A marking like this does have its benefits.

I am not a toy. I am a very expensive piece of machinery.

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