Uncanny Vulvas; middling article on sex robot

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Uncanny Vulvas; middling article on sex robot

Post by Svengli » Thu Nov 05, 2020 8:31 pm

Not a good article but a slightly different take on the subject, so I thought I'd add it.


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Re: Uncanny Vulvas; middling article on sex robot

Post by dieur » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:32 am

It is interesting.

But just as video games haven’t completely taken over for the competitive urge, I don’t think sex robots will work for everyone. As long as some people want babies more than just sex, that subpopulation will live on, and those will be the genes that live on. Unless sex companions become so advanced as to be nearly indistinguishable from human intelligence, anyway, which carries with it many other potential Yudkowskian problems.

Conversely, while a silicone doll is $6k or so, how much more would a fully articulated advanced sex bot be? Will the underclass the article states is prone to violence due to lack of economic resources to compete for a mate be able to afford one?

All in all, this probably isn’t the disaster that will end the species.

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